A new life

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Rock eventually healed and got used to his replacement parts. It was quite difficult at first, but he made it through. Dr. Light not only paid for his operation, but even signed proper documentation to adopt Rock. At first, Light was still a little distant with Rock, obviously still grieved by the loss of Blues. However the two made it through their problems, and managed to go on with their lives.

Quite surprisingly, Wily was nowhere to be found, so Light decided to let Rock help finish a project he and Wily had started. A new line of special robots called Robot Masters. There were eight in total, and each one was built to handle a special task considered dangerous for most humans. Despite Rock helping to build them, Light wanted to surprise him and Roll with their names.

Rock finally got to learn about robots first hand, something he'd always wanted to do, and Dr. Light was more than happy to call Rock his apprentice. Rock actually surprised Light with his knowledge on the subject too. "Rock, where on Earth did you learn so much about robotics?" Dr. Light asked him.

Suddenly, Rock became very nervous, he gulped as he admitted to Light about sneaking into schools and colleges to gain an education. Light sighed, "at least you learned something... Did you ever get caught?" He asked. "A couple times," said Rock, "but I got away with it most of the time..." "I appreciate your honesty," said Light, as they continued to work on each robots' personality components.

(A month later)

It was finally time to unveil the new Robot Masters to the public, and Rock could barely contain his excitement. After working on the robots for a month straight, he was finally able to learn their names. He sat behind the curtain eagerly awaiting Dr Light to walk out and address the crowd.

"Come on, Rock," said Dr Light, "they're waiting for us." "Us?" Asked Rock. "Yes, Us," said the good doctor, "you did help me build them after all."

Rock shyly and nervously stepped out on stage with Dr. Light, causing the audience to become quite curious of the teenager standing on stage with Dr. Light.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Light began, "this is my new apprentice, Rock. The two of us are proud to show you a new team of industrial robots we've worked on together. These robots are built for taking on jobs usually considered dangerous, and we call this team, The Robot Masters!"

With that, an orange robot wearing a white suit came walking out on stage, on his head was a pair of sharp scissor-like blades. "This is Cut Man, a robot built for cutting down trees, and carefully replanting new ones in their place," explained Dr. Light. Next was a robot named Bomb Man, built for leveling buildings to make room for new ones. He was a yellow headed robot with an orange mohawk, and a round, jet black body. Next was a smaller robot that looked like he was wearing a sky blue snow jacket, his name was Ice Man, built for exploring Sub-Zero environments. Then came Fire Man, a complete opposite to Ice Man. He almost looked a bit like a tall knight, with his head on fire. This Robot Master was made for incinerating garbage. Next came a special robot made for cleaning and managing oil, obviously named Oil Man. His three most distinct features were an arm that looked like a gas pump, a red scarf, and his head, shaped like a curved drop of oil. Next was Elec Man, a robot made for managing energy usage. He looked kind of like a super hero in a black and red suit, wearing a yellow mask. Then came Time Man, a strange new robot built to aid in the study of time travel. He wore a strange purple suit with a clock on his chest and alarm clock bells on his head. Finally, was Guts Man a large hulking, but gentle robot built for working in the field of construction. He wore a bright yellow helmet on his head, which also sported a large and very defined metal chin.

Each Robot Master addressed the crowd, along with Rock, who answered questions not only about his involvement in their creation, but also what it was like to survive a terrible accident. All seemed fine, until the giant screen above the stage began making strange noises, and static filled it's smooth glass-like surface.

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