A heated moment

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Rock was extremely tired as he teleported into the lab, growing extremely drowsy. Dr Light was adding the finishing touches to Bomb Man just as Rock carefully set the little coat-clad robot on the nearby floor. Rock was obviously really tired, so he wasted no time slumping into a recliner in the living room and dozing off. Dr Light chuckled a bit, "looks like I lost my chair for a while..." He casually mumbled to himself. Roll was simply sitting on the couch watching TV, keeping a close eye on the news.

"This just in," said the lady at the news desk, "the mysterious blue-clad hero just saved another robot Master from Wily's control. Is this hero a robot, like some eye witnesses say?" After she asked that question, they played a clip from an earlier interview with a manager from the lumber yard. "I swear, he turned his hand into some kind of blaster from a si-fi movie, and he jumped at least ten feet into the air. I don't know who this robot is, but I'm glad he's on our side!" Then it briefly went back to the news room. "Or is this guy a regular man like most of our viewers?" She quickly asked, before switching to a more recent eye witness at the coast, a crane operator to be specific. "He had quite a scuffle with one of those weird penguin bots," said the crane operator, "but I swear he bled! Robots don't bleed, it has to be a guy in a suit!" It then went back to the news room. "Robot or not, many agree this "Mega Man" has given most of us hope, and we personally give our full support to his fight for justice!"

Roll couldn't help but smile at this. At first she thought her adopted brother didn't have what it takes, but he's proven himself to be quite the hero. She briefly turned to look at the dozing teen laying in the nearby recliner. She sighed, he still had a long way to go if he wanted to stop Wily.

"This just in!!" The news reporter shouted, drawing Roll's attention back to the TV. "Wily has just threatened to use the brain washed robot Master, Fire Man, to melt all of the city's steel supply if Mega Man continues to oppose him. He says Mega Man has twenty four hours to surrender now!"

Roll quickly turned to Rock, only to notice he had left somewhere already. "He probably left for the steel mill to save Fire Man," she mumbled to herself, praying that they wouldn't find a slow roasted Rock later on.

Roll was right, he had left to deal with Fire Man the moment he heard the news report on the TV. The steel mill was extremely hot, as to be expected, especially when Rock noticed he was standing on suspended platforms right above the molten metal. "I need to hurry, or Fire Man will cause some damage he'd never do," Rock told himself as he switched his arm to buster mode.

Many enemies in here were themed after fire or heat in some way. These enemies threw and shot fire, or swung at him with red hot metal weapons. The heat was becoming extremely unbearable, but Rock pressed on, he had a robot Master to save.

He soon arrived at the heavy metal doors leading to Fire Man. As he walked down the hallway, Rock made sure to equip the Ice slasher before entering the room. It was obviously Fire Man's weakness, so he crossed his fingers he was right. His armor changed to a sky blue and white color scheme just as the heavy metal door opened to reveal Fire Man, laughing like a madman.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!" The robot Master yelled in the glitchy possessed sounding voice, "Burn! Burn everything in sight!!!! Fire!!!" "Please Fire Man..." Rock tried to reason with his friend, "this isn't you. I don't want to fight you... Please come home with me."

Fire Man just stared back with a blank emotionless face before yelling, "FIRE!!!!" And blasting flames at Rock. Rock jumped over the flaming blasts and reluctantly began blasting ice at Fire Man. As to be expected, the fire just melted the ice, but the water still splashed all over Fire Man, dousing his flames more and more, until he was so cold his systems shut down.

Rock fell to the floor dripping with sweat using the last of his weapon energy to create a patch of ice on the floor to try and cool off. "I swear Wily, you're going to pay for what you've done to my family..." Rock mumbled to himself as he lifted Fire Man over his shoulder and used the RTN to carry him back to base.

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