Bigger and boulder

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As Rock set Time Man on the work bench, he copied the Time slow ability and looked at the computer. Only one Robot Master remained under Wily's control. Guts Man, the toughest and strongest of the group. "With a combination of the Time slow and Hyper bomb, you'll be able to stop Guts Man easier," said Dr Light. Rock simply nodded, and wasted no time going after the construction robot Master. He was closer than ever to saving his entire family.

Guts Man was last seen in the iron and coal mine on the outskirts of the city. Obviously holding up those resources for Wily to use. It didn't surprise Rock at all that so many of Wily's minions would be here, it was a sign the madman was getting desperate.

Soon it was just a climb up the mountain. Blasting Sniper Joes and those annoying Bladers as he made his way higher and higher. Soon he came into a tunnel, this time leading into the mine. All sorts of dark-dwelling foes his within the stone caverns, not a single source of light except the occasional hanging light bulb. The darkness didn't bother the determined Rock however, because Light made sure to install a headlight on the front of his helmet.

Soon, Rock found the gigantic metal doors he was looking for, all the way at the end of a tunnel full of Mets, Miner Joes, and Pickets. Rock equipped his Thunder beam, then ran towards his goal, dodging bullets and pickaxes along the way. Any for in his way short circuiting if he got them with his Thunder beam.

He finally made it to the door with a few minor scratches. The door shut behind him, leaving him alone with his thoughts, that is until he reached the end of the hall. He used this time to equip the Time slow, his armor taking a purple and blue color scheme.

Rock slowly approached the door as he walked, reluctantly looking at the big silver barrier between him and Guts Man. Would he be able to plead with him this time? Or would he have to fight him? He cringed at the conclusion that he'd most likely had to fight him. Rock hated this, why did he even volunteer to do this? He had to fight his friends, his brothers because of Wily's hacking skills. Willy. That was why. Because Wily did this to his family, to the entire city. He had only pretended to be Light's friend all those years they had worked together, so Rock vowed that Wily would pay for his crimes.

Rock sighed, then walked through the door. Even though he'd most likely fight, he'd try reasoning with Guts Man anyway, even if it wouldn't work. Once inside, Guts Man never said a word, he only began attacking Rock as soon as he stepped in, throwing steel beams and other heavy objects at Rock. No matter how much Rock tried to get through to the real Guts Man, the attacks continued. The gigantic metal hulk managed to land a punch on Rock, sending him flying across the room, and even causing him to spit out some blood.

Guts Man quickly jumped up into the air, ready to finish the job. Had it not been for the Time slow, Rock surely would have been finished. While time was slowed down, he quickly moved out of the way and put a few Hyper bombs in his place. As soon as time flow continued like normal, Guts Man jumped right into an explosion, shutting him down instantly.

It was done. All of the robot Masters had been saved, even if Rock had no other choice but to fight them. Seeing as Guts Man himself would be too heavy, Rock copied his Super arm and equipped it, giving his armor a yellow and red color scheme. He lifted up Guts Man using his robotic arm and used the RTN to travel to the lab.

"Your next Wily, and for what you've done to us, you'll pay. This I can promise."

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