A blast of a battle

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As soon as Rock came back home, the first thing he did was lay Cut Man down on the lab's work bench. "Here Rock, you look like you could use one of these," said Roll, handing the hero a jumbo capsule which he happily ate. As weird as it tasted, he actually quite liked it. "Good, now I can start on repairs," said Doctor Light as he walked in with a set of tools, "did you figure out what the micro chip I gave you does?"

Rock had honestly completely forgotten about it. "I don't think I have," said Rock, "can you please explain?" Dr. Light nodded, "the micro chip is a special upgrade to your robot arm that allows you to copy the most useful ability from any defeated Robot Master. You can only carry eight at a time, and they require strange capsules called "weapon energy" to use as ammunition," he explained, "simply touch the robot Master's forehead with your robotic arm to copy their ability."

Rock glanced over to Cut man, then back to his arm before lightly touching Cut man on the forehead. His blue suit began changing to an orange and white color scheme that matched Cut Man's, and in his robotic hands a pair of sharp scissor-like blades appeared. "Now you have successfully copied Cut Man's Rolling cutter," said Dr Light.

Rock took a good long look at the shiny silver blade in his robotic hand. It was a perfect replica of the same one still on Cut Man's head, despite the blades having seemingly come from nowhere.

"Each weapon may also help you round up the other robot Masters faster," said Dr Light, "because each one is weak to another's weapon." "Really? Why is that?" Asked Rock. "I honestly wanted to fix that flaw later," said Dr Light, "but not until I install the greatest anti-hacking software known to man in each of them." Rock nodded and looked at the Rolling cutter one more time before asking, "who's weak to this?"

"Bomb Man," said Dr Light, "despite having tougher armor for protection from rubble and explosions, anything that's sharp enough can still get through to him." Rock nodded before setting his coordinates to Bomb Man's last known locations and using the RTN to get there.

(Time skip)

Naturally, Bomb Man would be found somewhere within a Bomb and missile storage facility, where most of the city's defenses were kept. As Rock made his way throughout the facility, he could hear the distinct sound of explosions coming from somewhere. If that was Bomb Man, then Rock would have to hurry. One explosion in the wrong spot could set off the entire building, and the surrounding few miles with it.

Oddly, Rock found this place slightly easier to navigate than the lumber yard. Not too many robotic minions to destroy either. However Rock couldn't let his guard down, especially as he approached a black wall that obviously wasn't there before and a similar heavy metal door leading to a hallway. As he walked down the corridor, the explosions were becoming louder and louder, before they suddenly just stopped.

Rock stepped inside of the room ready to fight a crazed and unstable Bomb Man. Instead of some kind of possessed sounding glitchy banter, he was greeted by a bomb flying towards him. He quickly ducked out of the way just before the explosive orb burst into a small burning blast behind him.

"Aww man!" Bomb Man said in the dreaded possessed sounding voice, "you're supposed to hold still! How else can we have fun with my boom booms!?" "Bomb Man! This madness needs to stop!" Rock shouted back, "just come home peacefully so Dr Light can set you back to normal!" However, Rock's pleas just seemed to fly right past Bomb Man's audio sensors, because he replied, "you should have been here yesterday! I had some real boom booms then!"

It took another battle to free another robot Master, however it was quicker thanks to his weakness. The Rolling cutter didn't chop Bomb Man to pieces, but it did do much more damage to him than the buster could, causing the blinded bot to shut down. Rock was still upset about having to fight another one of his friends, but at least they could be saved. After touching Bomb Man's forehead and copying his Hyper bomb, Rock teleported back to the lab with Bomb Man in tow.

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