The conclusion

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"Is he all right?" Said a deep-sounding voice. "I don't know," said a slick and smooth one, "but he's still breathing." The voices were familiar. "Hey! He's waking up!" A third voice exclaimed. Rock stirred and his eyelids fluttered open as he looked up at eight familiar faces looking down at him. "You okay kid?" Asked Guts Man. "Wily didn't hurt you, did he?" Asked Cut Man. "What!? Of course not!" Said Bomb Man, "if he can stop all eight of us, Wily and his weapons are nothing!" The eight of them agreed as Elec Man helped Rock to his feet. "Speaking of Wily, where is that idiot?" Asked Time Man. Rock sighed. "I thought I had him, but he sprayed sleeping gas in my face and got away," he explained.

Rock felt like a failure, he vowed to himself that Wily would pay for his crimes. But he failed, Wily had gotten away. Who knew what kind of new scheme he'd come up with, what if Wily kidnapped more innocent robots? What if he built his own? He let his head drop in defeat.

"You know... You didn't lose," said Guts Man, he rest a hand on Rock's robotic shoulder. "You may not catch him today, or tommorow, or even this year, but you know what? That just means that Mega Man lives to fight another day," he said, giving the kind of advice an older brother would give, "but cheer up, you've done a great job. So you earned yourself a break while you wait for him."

Rock looked up at Guts Man, his frown disappearing. "You're right," he said, "and I'll be ready when he returns!" "That's the spirit!" Said Ice Man. The nine of them sat on the edge of the roof watching the sunrise. It was a new day, and Wily couldn't ruin it.

Bomb Man sighed. "Can't we just go home and party!?" He exclaimed from boredom, "I've got some new fire works in the mail!" Guts Man laughed. "Not just yet," said the gentle giant, "we've got one last job before we celebrate. The local officials want an ugly metal skull they found near Mount Rushmore gone." Bomb Man grinned, "good enough for me!"

The group spent the entire day destroying and cleaning up Wily's mess, then spent the entire night celebrating Rock's victory with cake, ice cream, and fireworks.

That night, Rock watched the horizon from his bedroom window before heading to bed.

"Go on and plan, Wily. I'll be waiting..."

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