Literally trash

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Rock beamed down into the lab still carrying the robotic eye, only for it to be snatched from his hands by none other than Cut Man. "Heya Rock! I saw your fight on the TV, man you're on a ROLL," he said, spinning the robotic eye like a basket ball. With that, Guts Man came up from behind and gave Cut Man a noogie as Rock quickly caught the eye. "What did I tell you about trying to make puns!" Said Guts Man, still giving Cut Man a noogie. Rock chuckled as Cut Man struggled to break free. "Rock, help me man!" Said Cut Man laughing a bit. Rock just walked into the lab to talk with Dr Light. After all, there was still some work left to do.

Rock set the eye on the work bench and took off his helmet so he and Light could begin working on it. Dr Light carefully powered it off and the two used a few tools to take it apart until they found a bright blue hard drive. "This should help us find Wily's coordinates," said Dr Light, "let's use the computer to analyze it."

Sure enough the coordinates they found on the hard drive led right to Wily's hideout, hidden somewhere just miles away from Mount Rushmore. Rock quickly typed the coordinates into his helmet and prepared for his journey, it was time to finish this.

Meanwhile, Wily watched the news footage of Mega Man destroying his yellow devil robot. It was just what he had been hoping for. Believe it or not, that robot was sent to test the hero's skill, Wily was going to build an even more powerful robot himself, using not only the best qualities of the Robot Masters, but also of Mega Man. The mad man laughed at this plan, he'd beat the little pest for sure this time.

Rock beamed just a few feet away from the cold metal walls of Wily's fortress. If he wanted in, he'd have to take Wily by surprise, because all of his robots were probably stationed around all of the main entrances. Rock carefully surveyed his surroundings until he found an opening illegally dumping garbage into the valley and river below. Rock equipped his suit's visor and ran inside, the trash chute would have to do.

Rock navigated through a tunnel of cold water, sewage, and garbage. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it must have smelled like in here, he'd personally thank Light for the amazing visor when this was all said and done. However the only way into the base itself would be to dive into a garbage sorting tank. Gross.

Inside the tank was another robot, only it was obviously made to resemble a bunch of scrap metal. It was most likely made to sort through garbage and save anything Wily considered useful, such as power cores and weapons he could repair. Rock did his best to avoid his gaze, but he wasn't lucky enough to swim past.

"Scanning" the robot said out loud. Amazing how you could still hear this thing underwater. "Organic being detected, extermination of pests underway." The machine soon encased itself in an energy bubble and slowly approached Rock, burning through everything in it's path.

Rock quickly swam towards the next opening he saw, only for a door to shut in his face. "Pests contained, extermination underway," the machine said again. Rock didn't want to die like this, however he noticed that the door wasn't too sturdy, but still in his way. He quickly equipped his Super arm and punched at the door until it broke open, just narrowly missing the energy field.

All that was there was a narrow garbage chute leading upwards. Using all of his strength, Rock climbed upwards, hopefully to a less thrash filled environment.

And hopefully closer to Wily.

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