Raginu:- maa what happen why are you giving them punishment..

Sujatha:- hmm yesterday night few monkey's escaped from house and in that 2 monkey caught by dadajii and remaing monkeys thought they escaped but you knew no can escape from their moms and these 3 monkey are celebrating by thinking they escaped and we caught them..

Sameer:- how mean we two caught still we saved you and you three are laughing at our condition not fair..you deserve this punishment.

Sujatha:- not fair ki bacha you escaped but dadaji doesnt knew real reason and believed in your lies..She catches both ears..and says u both calls me maa and yesterday without me u both went thats not fair.

Sam and rag:- sorry ma next time pakka.

Sujatha:- pakka.

Sam and rag:- haa.

They both hugs her..

San and lak:- can we get up ma.

Sujatha acts thinking and says hmm get up..
They both too hugs her while swara hugs ap....

After a while all starts for office where rajini comes down with her guitar..
While walking towards car.

Sameer:- you are going to practise in their office.

Ragini:- what to do as i said i have to do a program here for sake of orphange.

Sameer:- will dadaji accepted.

Ragini:- i took permission from dadaji,dp and rp uncle too and dadajii said after completing my part of work i can practise.

Sameer:- where will u practise.

Ragini:- in sanskar cabin.

Sameer:- why sanskar why not laksh or any other cabin.

Lak and san were back of them waits for her answer.

Ragini:- because he is not married and remaining all were married and laksh was younger to me so only sanskar left na.

Sameer opens his mouth and says :- hi what i asked and what you are saying and if he doesnt married doesnt mean you will practise their and thinks haa you practise in conference room.

Ragini puts her hand in air and says:- why dont you say by lisening my answer my possesive brother came out and protecting me..

Sameer:- its not like that by your answer i just got worried about sanskar future and giggles.

Ragini shouts bhai and chases him.

Laksh:- bhai first you have to impress sameer then only you can even think about her.

Sanskar:- hmm for today she gone be in my cabin and winks at him and goes outside.
Laksh nodes his head while looking at his brother new side and smiles...
They sits in their cars..

Ragini seeing sanskar sitting in another car so see turns and asks laksh..

Laksh:- he has case today so he will leave to hospital in evening thats why.

Rajini:- busy doctor and sees out of window and smiles..

At traffic singnal.

One men from car sees ragini and looks on surprisingly but ragini doesnt observes but lak and sameer see it.

Laksh:- oh my god if he recognises her it will be a problem think something laksh and why this signal taking this time to show green.

Sameer gets irriated by seeing the way that man seeing her sister so he shuts down mirror and shouts.

Sameer:- hello boss signal boards are your front not on your right side so will you change your head direction please from my sister ...

Ragini:- bhaii..

Sameer:- what..

Lak smiles and think thank god today sameer saved everything..

Rajini was looking at sameer while walking inside office and he was walking like nothing happened.

Sankar to laksh:- what happen to these both.

Laksh says what ever happen in traffic signal point.

Sanskar:- who is that men laksh.

Laksh:- he is our bussiness patner.Before its late..

Sanskar:- we have to say all people to ignore ragini who ever knew her..

Laksh:- she have to knew as rajini deshpande only..

They both goes into conference room and continues their meetings....

Dp:- we have to visit village for material and we have to finalize it..
You youngsters will go ok.

Ragini:- when it will be..i mean on which day we have to leave.

Dadaji:- dont worry after your concert only..

Ragini nodes her head..

Dadajii:- what happen to you both why are you so silent.

Ragini:- whom both.

Dadajii:- you and sameer what happen.

Ragini:- ask him .

Sameer:- say to her that while going out she have to be carefull and look here and their.

Ragini:- thats not fair i really didnt see that he is watching me..

Sameer:- come on yar he is watching you by keeping big big eyes and you are saying that you didnt sense it and when i scolded him you are saying to me only.

Ragini:- what bhai.

Sameer:- what, i dont like if some one see you like that first you understand that ragini.

All gets shocked by lisening ragini name..
Sameer realises that he exposed her name and looks at dadajii who is seeing him angrily.

Dp:- your name is rajini right then why he is calling you as ragini..

Dadaji and sameer both looks at each other and others senses their tension.

Rajini asually:- what new in that uncle my full name is rajini ragini deshpande...
You may think why two names ragini is my dad choice and rajini is my mom choice so they kept both..
Sanskar and laksh remember something..

Flash back..

Lak swa and rag were sitting together..
Lak:- by the way like your name your voice both suits well who named you ragini.

Ragini:- i lisened once chotai papa saying that ragini is kept by my dad choice..
Sanskar lisens while he about to enter room.

Fb ends..

San and lak both looks at each other and smiles after getting some hope..

After few hours..

While all are working a melody voice comes from sanskar cabin and it was ragini ss.
She sings..
Kehtai hain khuda ne is jahan sabiki leyi..

All starts enjoying her song and sameer kept his head down and dadaji shouting on him which was saw by dp rp lak..
While san lost in her song by standing infront of his cabin.

Precap:- dp and rp questioning dadajii..sanskar and ragini fun in store room.

my heart is with you ragini (ragsan) Where stories live. Discover now