12. Treasure

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It's me again God,

I love the moments I get to spend with You, first thing in the morning. You often put a song in my mind as I am waking and today for some strange reason it was this random song I hadn't heard for many years:

Who will buy this wonderful morning?
Such a sky you never did see.
Who will tie it up with a ribbon
And put it in a box for me?
Where I could see it at my leisure
Whenever things go wrong
And I could keep it as my treasure
To last the whole day long

Who will buy this wonderful feeling
I'm so high
I swear I could die
Me oh my
I don't want to lose it
There must be something I can do
To keep the sky so blue
There must be someone who will buy!

So having no idea why that song was playing over and over in my head, I thought that maybe I should have a look at the sunrise.  The funny thing was, that it was the only cloudy morning we have had for a while so I didn't actually see the sunrise at all!

However, as I spent my quiet time with You I realised I needed to look at the sentiments of the song because that was probably what You were bringing to my attention.

The person in this song sees the beauty of the sky at dawn and just wants to capture it and put it in a box to look at later.  He feels that it would be most beneficial in giving him a lift should things be going wrong - it seemed a nice idea!

The song was written for the musical 'Oliver' in the 1960's and was actually about a time in the 1800's, well before the age of colour photographs! I was thinking how in the 21st century, anyone can keep a sunrise as their 'treasure' in their own little 'box'  - their camera or phone! In fact we can keep all sorts of things as a treasure and with video and 'Live Photos', it is amazing how we can recapture the feeling of being there.

But even with all of this technology, there is nothing like actually being there to see it.  I have seen so many beautiful sunrises in my life - thank You for gifting me with them all!  It is a wonderful feeling to see a new day emerge - it can make me feel temporarily 'high' so I can really relate to the song!

It asks 'who will buy this wonderful morning?' when in fact it is not something that could possibly be for sale. It's interesting that people will buy and sell all parts of Your creation but they cannot buy or sell a sunrise, unless it's a photo or painting.

Lord You have given me so many things in creation to enjoy and treasure. Please help me to never take it all for granted. There are two perfect pink camellias looking in my window right now.  As I look a them I wonder, am I really ever in touch with how special these parts of your creation are? The colour is so beautiful and they are perfectly formed. I can never understand how such delicate petals can emerge from such a tiny bud but that's You Lord...a God of mystery!

""Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."
‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭113:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Thank You for getting my attention today with that song and helping me to appreciate the beauty of every sunrise. I can't wait to see it again tomorrow!


*Sometimes God wakes me with an original poem that comes pouring out of me. I have started to collect these in a new book: 'Seasons of my Soul'.

 I have started to collect these in a new book: 'Seasons of my Soul'

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