Simon And Sally

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Even though Ben and I were immortal, we decided that it would be a good idea for Simon to have a god father. And who better for the job than one of my most trusted friends.

"Darren!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"what?!" He shouted, stepping in.

"you're Simon's god father." I said simply.

"and you're making a mistake! You know i'm not good around kids!"

"sorry." I said with a shrug. "but i'm his mother and I trust you with the title."

After a while of arguing, he finally just accepted it. To be honest, I coukd actually see a grin on his face. He seemed happy that he'd be Simon's uncle/ god father.

Suddenly there was an explosion coming from Slender's office. We all raced through the hall to see if everything was ok. I opened the door and saw... Sally? Except it was the normal Sally. She was back to her 8 year old self. Slender, on the other hand was standing beside her holding a vile. His face was covered in black dust from the explosion.

Sally's shocked expression changed to a happy one when she saw us standing there. She ran over and hugged all of us. And then she saw Simon.

"Hi!" She said cheerfully. "i'm Sally!"

He hid behind me again, but... Blushed?

"h-hi..." He said quietly. "my name's Simon."

She smiled brightly and grabbed his hand. "come on Simon! We can play house!"

We all laughed as they ran hand in hand out the door. Masky looked at me causiously.

"aren't you afraid she'll... Ya know..." He made a neck slicing motion with his hand.

"Actually, I think they'll be just fine. She's really excited that there's someone else here close to her age."

We all went down to the living room and played video games for an hour. Of course, Darren beat Ben 6 times. After that, Ben chased him around the house with a wooden stake... It was a good day.

Just before we went out for our evening kill, I heard Simon scream from upstairs.

"agggghhhh! MOM!"

Before I could run upstairs, Simon was already running towards me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I lifted him up.

"Simon, honey, what's wrong??"

He raised his head to look at me and that's when I began to laugh. His glasses were lop-sided and his face was covered in red lipstick.

"Mommy, Sally wanted to play house! I didnT know she was going to kiss me! I have cooties Mom!"  

I couldn't stop laughing. "Simon, you don't have cooties. Sally just likes you"

"EWWWWWW!" He screamed. He jumped out of my arms and into the kitchen. "MASKY! PROTECT ME FROM SALLY!"

Sally ran down with a plastic frying pan in her hand. "SIMON! DINNER TIME!"

My sides were hurting. We were all rolling on the floor. Well... Darren was anyway. He ate more candy from Jack so that was probably the cause of that.

Oh well. That was a funnier sight than Simon.

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