I Did This...

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                 *Toby's POV*

I've lost count of how long i've been in the over realm. Atleast 5 mpnths i think... I just needed to go back to the place...HIWHDOCHSND. The place where Slender found me.

I walked down all the backroads and all the highways IIAPDNFUVHAND and all the main roads you could think of. Finally, i found it. It was ashes now, but tons of memories came flooding back. At first i was afraid to step anywhere near it. It scared me. JIIAHEKKFNCUAJD But after an hour, i was able to walk through the ashes. I wanted to find it. No. I had to find it.

Eventually, my hands were covered with soot and so were my worn out sneakers. JLKSORNEICUN Just when i was about to give up, i kicked something. I bent down and picked it up. It was the thing i was looking for! My fireproof case!

I opened it with the key that always hung around my neck. Everythinf should still ne there... I opened it and almost cried. My hyper-activity medication. HOAKEIUFJSKSJE It was all there in labled cylinders. And there was photos. Of me and my family. I missed them. Every single day...

I could go back to the mansion. I could be like the others. I wouldn't get made.fun of anymore. JPALKDJCIJD I'd be calm and collected like everyone else. I wouldn't act like a child.

I put the case under my arm and made my way to the woods. And that's when i heard it. The static. JOJAHHDOF I guess i was the only one that coukd hear it out of all of us. It still bugs me. HLKANDIJDJ And then came the nausea. I fell to the ground, holding my stomach. HOAOIEJCOISKE. My spasms were getting worse... Just being PWLMROVJ around him made these LAKJDOCJJE happen.

"Toby." He said sternly. I OAKJSBDO looked up at him and stared.

"Hello Slender." I said quietly.

"it's time to go back. I've let you go for a few months so you could accomplish whatever you had in mind. And i see that you have, so we need to leave."

"heh.." I OAKMDI chuckled. "this reminds me of when you first found me. Saying that we need to leave."

He gently picked me up with a tentacle.

"come Toby. There's things that have happened."


We arrived at the mansion KAJJDKCJB within minutes. I couldn't stand it anymore. I snuck into my.room through the window so i woukdn't have to talk to anyone. That's when i took the medication. I could instantly feel myself relaxing and my mind focusing. I could think clearly now. Even around Slender. I closed the case and locked it, hiding it under my bed. I then walked downstairs and saw everyone. Well only a couple. Masky and Hoodie were out, Ben was missing, and all that was in the living room was Cynthia and Jack. I missed both of them. I managed not to run towards them, and sat down between them on the couch. I didn't even say anything. I turnedbto my left, hugged Jack (which he tensed up from) and then turned right andbdid the same to Cynthia. She hugged back.

"where have you been?!" She questioned quietly. I shook my head and spoke calmly for once.

"i don't want any of you in the middle of my past problems. I care about you too much."

After more small talk and small converstaations, Jack left the room. He said something about kidneys. That left me and Cynthia.

"Toby, we missed you so much."

"thanks." I said whileblushing slightly. "believe me. I missed you guys too."

She looked away, then back at me.

"did you hear?"

"about what?"

"Ben. He's a prisoner... He volunteered to save my life. I miss him so much Toby."

I couldn't say anything. I just hugged her. She was crying. Is that what she needed? Someone to talk to? Well, i was here. I would always be here.

"Thank you Toby." She said softly. Oops. I said that outloud. Oh well. I regret nothing.

She looked up at me and smiled. I couldn't help myself. I gently held her face and kissed her. She was ok wuth it for a few seconds, but then her eyes widened. She ran to her room, sobbing. I did this... I made her cry.

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