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                        *Ben's POV*

I rushed through the computer screen into Cynthia's room and ran out of the house. I know what you're thinking. Why didn't he just teleport through her phone? Well, for some reason it wouldn't let me... I think she blocked my number...

I ran to the hospital as fast as i could. I wanted to see her safe. I wanted to see her.with me, but... God, i hope she still loves me. It's not like i want to kill everyone. It's just something i have to do. I have to admit though... It feels somewhat calming... Wow, i'm a bad influence.

After about an hour, i finally made it to the hospital. Please be safe. Please be safe. I teleported into a computer and found her info and room number. Please be safe. I quickly teleported into her room and looked around.

She wasn't here... All that was left was her bed with the sheets half way off and the window was open... And there was a bloody fingerprint on the floor...

I could feel my non existent heart shatter into a million peices. i was too late. No... It's never too late. I looked out the window and saw a white speck fun through the small alleyways carrying something. anger flared through me and i jumped out the window and landed roughly on my feet. I ignored the pain and ran after him. Except... He was nowhere to be seen. I searched for what seemed like hours, trying to hide from people and ignoring the rain that had began to lightly pour.

Jeff you fucking bastard so help me when i find you, i'll kill you so many times you-

Something distracted me from my thoughts. My phone was buzzing. Yes, i had a cellphone. it just makes sence for a cyberghost to have one. It was Jeff...

"where the hell is she?!"

"calm down shorty. She's alright. She's with me."

It's like i could feel him smirking... Ugh, that fucker... I'd like to re-cut his smile, then pour acid on it.

"Jeff, if you hurt her, you-"

"Hmm..." He interupted. "she's beautiful... no wonder you liked her. You mind if i... Borrow her? Just for the night?"


"why would i tell you- oh wait, she's trying to speak." He said smugly. "i can't make much of it, but it sounds like she's in pain."

I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped to my knees even though he couldn't see me.

"Jeff... Please... I'm begging you. Beat me up all you want. Kill me if it makes you happy... Just don't hurt her."

"that's already over and done with. But that's not all i need to do... I think she'd look better... Beautiful..."

i dropped the phone and ran through the alleyways and streets. I just needed a hint. Just something that would get my attention. I wanted to save her. I wanted her in my arms again and out of reach of that "thing" i used to call my brother. I stumbled past multiple doors and not one had any voices coming from it. Finally, i passed one that caught my attention. I didn't know why... It just looked familiar... Oh, that's right! That's the same store that Cynthia and I bought books at every Tuesday. We used to sit in the back and talk with the owner and just chat about what was going on. I really enjoyed moments like that with- wait...

I opened the door and saw all the shelves were empty. Comepletly bare. And then i heard a whimper... I rushed through the store all the way to the back and found Jeff holding a knife to Cynthia's face. He had already cut one side. My eyes widened and he saw me.

"NO!" I shouted. He quickly cut the other side of her face and she screamed as her tears mixed with the blood coming from the cuts. I charged at Jeff and took him by surprise. He fell backwards with me on top of him. U punched him over and over until he was barely conscience. Whe. He was knocked out, i focused on Cynthia. She was fighting back more screams. I untied her from the chair she was sitting in and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried/screamed into my shoulder. I turned back only to see Jeff slightly standing. He looked at me through his hair and hatred was in his eyes.

"i was doing you a favor..." He said quietly. And with that, he jumped out a nearby window and into the streets.

"Cynthia." I said softly.

"i'm so sorry Ben." She said inbetween sobs.

"don't you dare be sorry. It was my fault. Now, i'm taking you back to the hospital so you can get the cuts cleaned. After that, you... You can live normally."

She let out another sob.

"please Ben! Don't leave me! It was my fault that you left. I won't have panic attacks anymore. Not after this. Just please... Don't leave me."

I kissed her forehead and walked outside into the rain. Half way to the hospital, she cried herself to sleep. I teleported bkth of us into her hospital room and sat her down on the bed. She had blood streaming down her face and her skin was cut and scraped and the bruises were starting to show up. I wish i hadn't said anything to Jeff... You can never trust someone like him.

"Ben..." She said sleepily.

"i'm here... I didn't leave."

"stay with me Ben... D-don't leave... Stay..."

I nodded and kissed her forehead. i wouldn't leave her... i took off my hat (one of my most prised possetions) and sat it on her clothes that her mother must have brought. She smiled, but winced fron the wounds. I pressed the emergency button, and assumed that the nurse would arrive within a minute. I whispered to her.

"i'll stay. I'll be in your phone. If you need anything, just text."

She nodded and i teleported into the small electronic just as the door opened.

hey guyysssss sorry i didn't update sooner. This is the first time i updated using my phone so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes XD

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