"You're obviously dating"

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Taehyung and Jimin are best friends and there other friends keep telling them that they're basically married, but what happens when it goes a little too far with the jokes?

Taehyungs PoV

It was a normal Tuesday lunchtime and I was on my way to the canteen to meet with my friends at our usual table.

When I was nearing our table, I noticed that I was the last one there and I sat down next to Namjoon and heard someone speak.

"Hi TaeTae!" Jimin said.

Hi ChimChim!" I smile back at him as I grab his hand from on the table and intertwined our fingers together. He looked at me in shock, and then smiled up at me.

"You two look like an adorable couple right now" Seokjin said nonchalantly. "Actually, you always look like an adorable couple to be honest." "We don't!" I defended.

"Oh you can't deny it! You always hold hands when you're walking down the hall" Namjoon told us. "And you hug each other at any given moment " Hoseok added "even Jungkook thought you were dating!" Jin said.

Jungkook was my ex, he was a bit mental and broke up with me after wrecking my room because he thought I was cheating on him with Jimin, which I wasn't by the way. (No offense to Kookie, he's an angel)

"He was just being paranoid and he probably just saw Jimins face on my wall and went to the wrong conclusion" I defended again. "Wait, my face is on your wall?" Jimin asked in shock. "Well there was loads of pictures in like a collage on my wall of you and me together, or just you and pictures of other people like my family and you guys" I gestured to everyone else at the table. "Until Jungkook ripped all the ones with you up, so now it's just a small group of pictures without you in them..." I mumbled.

Everyone awed, except Jimin who just sat there, his hand still in mine and looking at me with an cute smile on his face. Fuck... did he always look this adorable?

"How come I haven't seen it before?" He asked since he always comes round my house. "I put it all up on the weekend before Jungkook came over and wrecked it, so no one else saw it." I explained. "Were there any of him on there too?" Jimin asked looking concerned for some reason. "There were some, but I threw them away after what he did." I told him. He smiled at the last part.

"See! You even had pictures of him on your wall! How can you not say you're dating?" Namjoon says. "He's my best friend! And I had pictures of you guys on there too!" I tried to defend myself again, but by this point it really wasn't any use. "Yeah, but you even admitted that there were lots more of him than us, even more than your boyfriend at the time!" Hoseok said in exasperation.

They do have a point.

But he's my best friend!

I don't like him like that!

Do I?

Well he is really adorable

And his smile does kill me

And he's so sweet to everyone

And I do kindasortofhaveacrushonhim but like that's besides the point.

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