The Wedding

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Jimin and Taehyung didn't know each other, but they were at their mutual friend Seokjins wedding, and he kept pushing them together because they were the only single people there.

Jimins PoV

I was finally ready to go to Seokjins wedding. He's getting married to Namjoon, who I've also known for almost as long as I've know Jin.

I'm so happy for both of them since they started dating five years ago and just got engaged.

I was wearing a light blue suit and my pastel pink hair was curled slightly, lying perfectly over my forehead.

I got into my car and drove off to the wedding, which was being held on a beach, very romantic.

Once I got there I spotted a few people I knew, Hoseok and Yoongi. They'd been dating for just over two years now and they were my best friends, not including Seokjin of course.

I swear everyone I know is in a relationship! Even Jungkook, and he can't even go up to a girl without freezing solid. But me? I'm as lonely as can be.

"JIMIN!" I heard a familiar voice scream as I got closer to them. Hoseok wrapped his arms around me tightly and laughed when I squealed slightly.

"Hiya Hyung" I greeted him and Yoongi. "How've you been Chim? I haven't seen you in ages!" Hoseok asked "I saw you last week Hobi" I giggled as Yoongi rolled his eyes at his boyfriend.

"Anyway, you're looking very dapper today" Yoongi butted in, changing the subject "why thank you Hyung, so do you" I gushed back.

"Hey, stay away from my man!" Hoseok joked, wrapping his arm protectively around Yoongi "I will" I told him, but before we could carry our conversation on, I heard someone screech behind us.

I didn't even have to turn around to know that it was Jin.

"ChimChim! You're finally here!" Seokjin came bounding over with another guy next to him.

"Hi Jinnie, you excited?" I asked, smiling widely at how nice Jin looked, in his traditional black suit and bow tie.

"Of course I am! But I'm here for you to meet my friend Taehyung here" Seokjin pointed over to the guy awkwardly standing next to him.

Taehyung smiled a cute boxy smile at me, and I gave him one of my eye smiles in return. I stuck my hand out for him to shake while saying "hi Tae, I'm Jimin" but before he could take my hand, someone pushed him so he stumbled forward into my chest.

I'm shorter than Taehyung, but I managed to keep both of us balanced on our feet by wrapping my arms around him securely.

He grunted as he pulled back with bright red cheeks muttering sorry's under his breath. I laughed at his adorableness and told him not to worry.

That's when I looked to the side to see Jin smirking next to us. "Why did you push Taehyung?" I asked him, knowing it was him from his expression.

"Sorry, it was an accident" he answered, still smirking. I knew he was lying but kept it there since it was his wedding day.

"Oo! I have to go get into my starting position, the wedding's about to start!" Jin cried out, running off to where he needed to be. "I guess we'd better go sit down, why don't you two sit next to each other and get to know eachother?" Hoseok said, wiggling his eye brows at us.

I rolled my eyes, but sat next to Taehyung anyway.

*Time Skippity Skip*

The wedding was almost finished now, Hoseok was crying his eyes out, saying "so beautiful" every now and again.

Vmin OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora