It Wasn't Me!

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Jimin and Taehyung always argued about everything. And Yoongi was getting fed up of it.
He needed to make them shut up!

Jimin and Taehyung were on the basketball court arguing, again about who was better. They were playing a game, one on one to see who would win.

They were at a tie, four to four, and they said who ever gets five points first, wins.

Taehyung was so desperate to win, so he tried to trip Jimin up, but somehow ended up tripping himself up and in a hurry to grab onto something to stop himself hitting the ground.

He ended up pulling Jimin along with him.

They tumbled to the floor and it ended up with Jimin landing straight on top of Taehyung.

They both grunted, and when Jimin tried to get up, he pushed on what he thought was the ground to get up, but realized it was Taehyungs chest.

He blushed like mad and scrambled off of him.

"What's the hurry?" Taehyung smirked as I dusted myself off "just didn't want to make things awkward." I explained. He also didn't want to get anymore flustered at being so close to Taehyung, but would never admit to it.

"Can you at least help me up?" Taehyung asked mischievously. "You're the one who pulled me to the ground!" Jimin defended. Walking over to pick up the basketball ball.

"Hey! I'm over here!" Taehyung called out. "Yeah, So?" Jimin asked

"Help me up! I'll give you a kiss as a thank you" Taehyung tried.

That made Jimin blush harder, not looking into Taehyungs eyes.

"I don't want to kiss you" Jimin bluntly replied.

"Yes you do!" Taehyung said, teasingly.

"No, I don't" Jimin blushed even more, if it was possible.

"Are you sure?" Jimin could feel Taehyungs soft breath on his neck. When did he get so close to me? Jimin thought.

"Yes" Jimin gritted his teeth, not daring to turn around.

Taehyung suddenly slid his arms around Jimins waist. Making him melt into his touch, but quickly pushed him away.

"Yah! Get off you perv!" Jimin screeched.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"




"Would you two shut the fuck up?!" Yoongi screamed at them, their other friends following him onto the court.

"Do you ever stop arguing?" He asked the pair.

"Well I never start them! He always says that he's better than me, which he's obviously not" Jimin replied.

"Um excuse me! I have never started any of the arguments we've had!" Taehyung butted in.

"You always start them!"

"No I don't!"

"Oh god, they're off again" Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Can't you just say you both start the arguments?" Seokjin tried to compromise.

"But I never start them!" Taehyung defended.

"Yes you do!"


"Kiss?!" Jimin asked, pretty shocked.

"YES KISS! It's so obvious that you love each other, just confess and be done with all this shit." Yoongi sighed.

"Wha- I don't- shut up" Jimin looked shyly at the ground. Finding it way more interesting than their conversation.

"I don't like Chim like that" Taehungs said sincerely. You'd believe him, if you didn't see the way he looked at Taehyung.

He smiled fondly at him, blushing at nothing.

"Aw!" Namjoon cooed, pulling his hands towards his face in an endearing way.

"Chim, look at me" Taehyung asked.

Jimin really didn't want to, but did anyway.

He was surprised to have a pair of lips on his own.

He gasped slightly, as he kissed back.

He could hear Hoseok cheering in the background, probably jumping around like an idiot. And Yoongi saying "took them long enough"

Jimin pulled away, smiling widely, not opening his eyes, just Incase it was all a dream.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung giggled at him fondly.

"If I open my eyes, it will all disappear" Jimin whispered.

"What are you going on about?" Taehyung asked him.

"If it's a dream, it'll all be gone if I open my eyes." Taehung laughed heartily at this, making Jimins smile widen.

"They're so cute!" Jin squealed in the background.

Jimin finally opened his eyes, to have lips in his again. He wrapped his arms around Taes neck, and pulled him closer.

Once they pulled away again, Jimin kept his eyes open and had a good look at the beautiful specimen in front of him.

"You're adorable" Taehyung commented.

"Not as adorable as you though" Jimin added.

"Impossible, you're the most adorable person in the world"

"No I'm not! You are"

"Nope your more adorable."

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"For fucks sake!"


I know this one is kinda shit, but I thought it was a cute idea, and I know it's shorter than usual but I didn't want to drag it out too long.

Thanks for reading
Amz x

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