Chapter 21. Two

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The older doctor took them away from me and I could tell that he reprimanded them in a rather brusque way. Well, they could be a little more delicately when they are going to tell you that ypu will die of cancer. My mother always said that when it was in the stomach, the pancreas or the liver, it was already certain death. That phrase repeated itself in my head again and again.

He came back to me, and I was very afraid of what he was going to tell me next. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.

-Excuse me- He began to say- We are trying to let them know how to treat people, but apparently they are not getting it at all.

If he did not tell me, I would not know.

-It is not the indicated way to give a news like this- He apologized- If that were the case, it would be a really insensitive and totally inconsiderate way to find out.

I looked at him confused.

-Fortunately, it's not the case Miss ... Manoban- he checked my name on her papers- You're only pregnant.

Only? I'm just pregnant? I sounded more credible that of the tumor to tell the truth.

-I'm ... what? - I rejoined and I got closer to him- I'm not pregnant.

-You are pregnant, the levels of HCG in your body are very high- he shook his head- You are quite pregnant.

He smiled sideways and I shook my head.

-But I literally did more than 50 tests- I said moving my hands- It's not possible.

-Do you want us to get an ultrasound? - He said with a frown- It's the best thing to know if we're right.

-Yes, I want to do it- I said immediately.

-Very well, then follow me- He said starting to walk.

I had to jump because the stretcher was too high, literally high and I'm not short enough. I followed him at a rapid pace. My heart was beating uncontrollably, I felt indisposed again.

-Come in, please- He said opening the door.

My hands were shaking, I needed to vomit.

-Take a seat- He put on latex gloves.

I settled in trying to breathe like a normal person. He lifted my blouse. I saw how my chest rose and fell desperate. I hope not to faint.

-It will feel a little cold- He warned.

-Myyy Goood !! - I screamed.

That was too cold! "It'll feel a little," I want to see how he would scream if I put this in his belly. He laughed at me and scattered it, it bothered me less. He lit the small machine and started looking for something in my belly.

-Your liver is in perfect case if you wanted to know- He said looking at the screen- Your pancreas sends you greetings.

He turned to look at me and laughed.

-I'm very happy- I said laughing.

I was more nervous than I had been in my life.

-There it is- He said proudly- I introduce to you your baby.

I stopped breathing Did he say what I had just heard? Did he say ... my baby?

-Oh no, I'm sorry- He twisted his lips and looked at me.

I knew it, I was going to die! I was going to die! It was not a baby, it was too good to be true.

-They're two, I'll introduce you to your babies- He laughed a little.

Show Me What Love Is II •JenLisa Adaptation•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora