Chapter 12. She

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We went for a walk around. There was Hyorin, Tae, and Tzuyu. The others did not want to accompany us. Jennie led the way. She told me that she had already taken a vacation here, so she knew a lot of places. I did not want to ask who she came with because I was not in the mood to be jealous.

I walked looking at the landscape we had surrounding us. It was beautiful. I think I had never been in such a green place. So peaceful, it was really beautiful. My girlfriend did not stop taking polaroid photos, she loved it, and I loved how happy she was.

My mother-in-law and my mother called themselves official organizers of everything, so they stayed to see the place, the person who would marry us and so on. I took off like tons of stress, but I got a little more anxious to see what it would all be like.

Nayeon told us that the gift she would give us would be the wedding rings. And I realized that we had not thought about that. Everyone was very attentive to us, we were very lucky, we could live our love fully.

-I will not go up there! - I protested- We could kill ourselves!

-Don't be exaggerated- Said my girlfriend laughing- Come on!

She took my hand and stretched me towards her. It was a kind of mural that you could climb. The thickness of stone under her feet barely exceeded the size of these! One false step and fell at least 10 meters. When she finished climbing, she released my hand and began to take more and more photos. I looked at what she was capturing, and it looked amazing, very worthy of thousands of photographs.

I had a small tachycardia to keep walking, so I juggled to sit down. I managed it and I sighed a little relieved. I heard her giggle, and the camera shots stopped. She sat next to me. I smiled

-Is it beautiful, right? - she asked smiling.

-Too beautiful- I answered.

She stared at an uncertain point still with the details of those beautiful smiles she had. Looking at her was better than any landscape.

-When I came here I thought of you- She said of nothing- Of how much fun it would have been to come with you.

My smile slowly formed. Sh had never stopped thinking about myself.

-That's why I wanted to get married here- Turned to look at me- It's a magical place.

-It's very romantic- I added.

She nodded.

-It's perfect for us- sighed.

I think I could die happy right now. Honestly know that the person you love so much that your heart hurts, loves you in the same way ... it had no price. Words could not describe how happy I was.

-Oh ... I almost forgot- She said shaking her head.

I watched her intently. She put her hand to the purse that crossed her body and took out that little box that I already knew.

-I also kept it- Said putting it in my midst- To return it some day.

I arched both eyebrows. I had too much desire to cry at that moment. She opened it and took my hand. I felt the cold brushing my finger.

-It still look perfect- She said happy.

I had missed it as if he were a part of me. I looked at her and the tears had already managed the out of my eyes.

-Ooh, honey- She said putting her arm over my shoulders- Do not cry!

I covered my mouth with one hand. It shone much more than I remembered. It was so beautiful!

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