Chapter 1. Say It

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I've spent looking for her under the stones. She have not answered the thousands of messages I sent her, I call her so much that I'm pathetic. I tried to locate Nayeon, I knew that if I found her, she would help me. But ... she changed the number, changed jobs, I have no way to communicate with her. With TaeYang I never had much communication, but I do not know how to get there either. The only thing that remained the same was the house of her parents, but I had no face to go there.

I should have realized when I read her book that ... it was about us. She wanted to find me and continue with that unbridled love we left halfway. I felt it ... when I saw her again at that concert, my heart revived in a certain way. The warmth of her feelings enveloped me, she gave back what I had lost when she left.

After that stormy night, in which that bright ring was no longer on my finger, I went crying day after day. I tried to go to Tokyo so many times that my parents were tired. They told me that I could not find her easily, that it was dangerous, that anything could happen to me. They were right, but I wanted to be with her. I spent the whole afternoon watching my social networks. She used to upload photos with her friends, happy, laughing, celebrating ... she was surpassing me, or at least it seemed that way.

I was locked up for about 6 months, I could not bear to leave, everything reminded me of her. Songs, food, places, aromas ... the world was full of memories. I remember the night that Tzuyu went into my room, hugged me in silence and wiped away my tears. Then I realized that I should be strong, not only for myself, but for her, for my family. I know it hurt to see me like this, I had to change. And so ... I got back on my feet.

I started singing lessons, I had to perfect my technique. I was doing quite well, my teachers for the first time ... they loved me. I had my first presentation. I did not want to leave, I cried behind the stage as if there was no tomorrow. Her face would not be among people, I do not want to do it ... I can not do it without her. My mother encouraged me, she told me that Jennie would be too proud of me if she could see me, that I should not disappoint her in that way.

Everything was going around her. The songs I sang ... I dedicated them to her. But the years began to pass ... and I did not see her again. I resigned myself to living incomplete. In one of my biggest performances, I met this thin guy, with dark brown hair. He was not the first to look at me with hope in his eyes, but he arrived at a time where I decided to surrender, life had to go on without her. I raised my head, and resigned myself completely.

He was famous and I had not even heard of him. I felt very little at his side but he was in charge of erasing that feeling when we were together. I saw him a couple of days, his name was Jin, Kim Seok-Jin. We kept the contact by phone, messages, once again Skype. He was falling in love and I ... I was starting to get distracted.

Every morning, every night a message came to me, I hoped it was Jennie, but no, it never happened, it was still him. I went on to fantasize about everything he told me as if he were her, remembering the romantic and corny things she used to do when we were not side by side. It was the best. I had never been so in love, and never will be again. I know that I was largely to blame for our sudden breakup, and that is what tormented me most day and night.

-We should leave today- My friend commented.

I looked up a little distracted.

-You need to clear a little- She went on.

I nodded without emotion. I did not see Chaeng in a long time, we deserved a way out ... but I did not have any courage.

-I pick you up at 10? - She asked taking her bag.

-Perfect- I replied smiling weakly.

She left a kiss on my cheek and left.

I lay back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. I feel very lonely in my apartment. The animals are not allowed, so I had to leave Kuma with Tzuyu. He was older! So beautiful ... another thing that reminded me of Jennie. I took my cell phone. She does not even read my messages. It's been 3 months now ... the anger should go away!

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