I took the bottle of disinfectant. I was shaking, I'm too fag for these things. I took a little and started screaming. And that's how when everything starts to go wrong ... literally, each and every one of my movements went wrong. I tried to put the bandage on 3 times, but I could not.

I put the bandages and the disinfectant in a small box and took it with me. I started the car, but I went down when I remembered the most important thing. I ran to my room, opened my bedside table and took out the little box I was looking for and went back to the car. I drove with one hand and growled at the pain of the other.

I arrived at the airport and a blond young man ran to help me. I left the car keys, and I took everything inside. A brunette one with blue eyes came. I fell in love briefly. He lowered my suitcase and offered to accompany me to the section of my flight. I accepted, I really needed it.

-Lisa! - Hyorin said.

I smiled on my side and hugged her sideways. I greeted TaeYang and waved my hand to say hello to my in-laws who were a few meters away.

- Did not anyone else arrive? - I asked anguished.

-No, just us- She said smiling- Nayeon is already on the way with Mark.

I nodded.

-Can you ... help me with something? - I asked timidly.

-Sure, tell me- She answered.

-I need you to help me put the bandage- I said showing her my hand.

-God! - She said surprised- How did you do that !?

-My stupid suitcase- I said annoyed- Do you help me?

She took me to the nearest bathroom. I handed her my bag and took out the bandage case.

- Are you sure you do not need points? - Asked worried.

-Yes, yes, do not worry- I said calmly.

She disinfected it again and cleaned the blood that ran all over my hand. I did not want to cry but it hurt a lot.

-Easy, it will stop hurting- She consoled me tenderly- Do you want me to go find Jennie?

-No, no, no- I said immediately- Okay, I'm fine.

-Ok ...- She said not very convinced.

She left me alone and I stayed to fix all the running makeup I had. I sighed and left to go with the others. I saw Jennie from afar. Watching herr cell phone, how was it usual. She wore black pants wier rips on all sides, black heeled boots and his leather jacket. Her sunglasses were on, and she looked damn sexy.

With each step that brought me closer to her, my heart was beating faster and faster. I just hope she does not yell at me in front of everyone. Although ... I think I would prefer that to her indifference. I came to her side and before I opened my mouth to speak to her, she looked up at me.

-I'll go for something to eat- She said immediately.

I think I'm grateful that she had her glasses on, or I would just be a pile of ashes right now. I thought about following her, but I knew I would irritate her more, so I resigned myself to staying. I sat next to Hyorin and started talking about things without too much sense.

I saw Nayeon arrive only with Mark, apparently YugYeom would not travel. My family arrived a few minutes later, but Jennie did not come back. I already had it clear, she does not want to see my face, and I understand it, I would not want to see hers either. There were 15 minutes left for the flight. I was already nervous about her absence.

Show Me What Love Is II •JenLisa Adaptation•Where stories live. Discover now