Chapter 19.

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Hayden's POV:

I slammed my hands down on the steering wheel and groaned in frustration. I leaned my head against the window when my phone started to vibrate from my pocket. I grabbed my phone and accepted the call from Johnny.

"Bro what the hell" he shouted down the phone "what?" "God your such a dick" It went silent for a couple of seconds until I spoke "how am I the dick I wasn't the one who cheated" he sighed "you really are unbelievable she didn't cheat on you Brennan you know ra-" I quickly ended the call realising what Johnny was about to say.

I put my seatbelt on and drove straight to Annie's house. I arrived and knocked on the door hoping I wasn't here to early. "Oh hi" Hayley greeted "um is Annie in" she nodded and let me in. I made my way upstairs when I heard Annie's voice talking to someone. "Kenz what am I supposed to do? He thinks I'm some sort of slut who sleeps with loads of guys. I feel disgusting Kenz and I didn't even want it to happen. I was so scared." I couldn't bare to listen to anymore so I opened the door and ran in.

"Hayden what are you doing here?" She asked ending the face time call with Kenzie. I shook my head and embraced her in a tight hug not wanting to let go. She hugged back and I could feel a smile forming on her face. "I came because I know the truth annie. I'm so sorry, I should've been there for you but I wasn't and I can't forgive myself for that" She shook her head and wiped the single tear that fell done my cheek with her petite hand.

"I don't deserve you Annie" I said sitting on her bed and placing my head in my hands. She joins me and gently places her hand in my shoulder. "Hayden your amazing okay. Brennan's a dick an-" I stoped her and smashed my lips onto hers. She sits back at first before running her fingers through my hair and placing her other hand on my cheek.

We're soon Interrupted my Annie's mum walking in with a pile of laundry. Annie quickly sat up and wiped her lips slightly giggling. Her mum laughed and handed Annie the laundry basket. "I'll leave you two to it have fun" she said starting to close the door before she peaked her head back round "but not to much fun" Annie threw a pillow at the door as we both fell back on the bed laughing.

Annie's parents both decided it was easier if I slept over for the night and I just made my way home in the morning. We got into Annie's bed and pressed play on the tv. Annie rested her head on my chest as I played with her hair. "Just so you know anns I'm gonna beat Brennan's ass next time I see him" she giggled and looked up at me, her big brown eyes sparkling as they met mine. "I give you full permission summerall" I laughed and turned my attention to the movie.

"Hayden, hayden" Annie's voice called as she lightly shook me. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "You okay anns?" I asked as Annie wiped her eye. "I'm scared hay. I've always knew brennan could be you know horrible but what if he spreads rumours or tells people I said yes or-" I cut her of before she could say anything else "Annie it will be okay clam down, he's not getting away with anything I promise" she nodded and gave me a fake smile before turning over and soon falling straight back to sleep.

I sigh and lean my head black on the pillow before falling asleep myself.

A/N- oo an update that's strange. But honestly I'm so lost for this story and I have so many good ideas for other stories. So please comment 1 to continue this or 2 to start a new story !!! Ily 💗

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