Chapter 15.

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Hayden's POV:


We entered Annie's bedroom and sat on her bed. She stood up and faced me. "Please just listen okay?" I nodded and let her explain.

"So Kenzie broke up with Johnny again and he is like in love with her so he wanted to make her jealous and who was the person he asked me to do so. Me. So when we saw Kenzie he immediate thought that if she saw me and him together it would get her attention. That didn't work. So he um kissed me which happened to be when you were walking past. Hayden I'm so sor-" I interrupted her by smashing my lips onto hers. She stumbled back pulling her calendar down with her that managed to hit me on the head. I walked back rubbing my head.

Annie was quick to walk over and make sure I was okay but when we looked at each other we burst into laughter. "Does that mean I'm forgiven?" She asked in between laughs. I nodded smiling "your forgiven" she flashed me a big grin and then tackled me with a huge hug.

The rest of the evening consisted of us both snuggling and re watching the hunger games. Annie soon fell asleep and I new it was my que to leave. I grabbed my bag and placed a kiss on her forehead "thanks Hayden I love you" I smiled as my cheeks flushed red. I quietly opened the door and walked out closing it behind me. I made my way downstairs to see Annie's mum on the couch watching tv. "Hi mrs Leblanc, annie fell asleep so I thought it was best if I left now" she turned and smiled at me "thank you Hayden, I would love to have you for dinner soon" I smiled and nodded before leaving the house.

I opened my front door to a quiet house. I set my bag down on the couch and made my way upstairs. After getting ready for bed I jumped into my cold bed sheets and reached over to turn my lamp of. I leaned my head back on my pillow and stared at the ceiling. Who knew a stupid bet could lead to meeting someone so special.

A/N- okay guys I think this is the end. I know I know it's rubbish but I've simply run out of ideas I'm sorry
:(( if you have any ideas and really want this book to carry on then please message me but if your okay with it ending here then let me know that as well 💗

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