Chapter 2.

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Hayden's POV:


School. My most favourite place on Earth. Wrong. It's the place that I get in to the most trouble trouble rather than learn. Every days the same for me. Meet the boys, walk Dylan to her lesson, trip up little kids oh and annoy miss Leblanc. The best part of my day of course. Shes biggest nerd of the school. She doesn't have any friends and spends her lunch with her nose in a book. She doesn't speak, she has good grades and no social life so the typical school nerd.

"Where you of to leblanc ?" I ask Annie as she rolls her eyes and tries to walk past me. But of course I stop her "you know my name hayden now look I have to get to class so can you please let me go" "whatever freak" I say leaving her alone and making my way to my lesson.

Finally lunch rolls around and me and the boys are once again making fun of someone when Annie walks in with a book in her hand and phone in the other finding her "usual" loner table that she sits on to read. "Hey Hayden I have an idea" my friend caden states from the other end of the table "okay hit me" "I will give you 300 dollars If you ask Annie on a date"

After he finished talking the water that was once in my mouth was now all over the table "dude one I have a girlfriend and two why Annie she's lame" "i knew he wouldn't do it" I roll my eyes but notice my girlfriend Dylan's tongue down another boys throat. Classy. "okay maybe reason one is gone but Annie why?" "Because I know she will be tough on you and why not all you have to do is make her fall in love with you and break her heart"

I sit in my seat and think for a second before getting up and walking over to annies table. I sit next to her and tap her on the shoulder "can I help you?" She asks turning her body to face me "me you Friday for a date" I say smiling "um no thanks" she says and goes back to reading her book. Ouch annie. "oh come on Leblanc why not" "one I don't like you and two I don't like you" "oh come on we don't know anything about each other leblanc" "yeah and it can stay that way good bye Hayden" and with that she leaves me alone and for the first time rejected. I look over to my friend who's are finding this rather hilarious. Who knew annie leblanc would play so hard to get .

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