They are all some very nice girls and really fun to go out with.  Whenever we all had some free time, and by "we", I really mean them. Whenever they had some free time because I was always free.

Which reminds me, I need to get a job.

Right now, I was home alone since Joel had to go do something for the new band.

The twins left back to California a while ago. We talk everyday so it's better than before when we had no contact whatsoever. They said they'll visit more often now.

After about 20 minutes of laying around, I decided to get ready and look for something to do with my life.

I though about getting dressed into something somewhat decent instead of wearing my usual old clothes. Last weekend, the girls and I went to the mall and they all managed to get me to buy some clothes other than the usual black or dark colors.

There was couple I knew I was going to feel uncomfortable wearing because of how girly they were. Floral tops, dresses, rompers, and light colored jeans. The jeans I might be okay with but the rest, ehh, might take some time getting used to.

I quickly went and picked out my clothes and got in the shower.

Half a hour later, I was getting dressed and doing my hair. Something simple. 

My phone dinged when I was finishing my hair:

Yoyo❣: Hey :)

Me: hey :)

Yoyo❣: R u doing anything today?

Me: Well, I was planning on going out to look for a job. :/

Yoyo❣: If u want I can help u. Drive u there since u don't really know the places that well yet.

Me: Aw that would be great!! Would you really do that?  :')

Yoyo❣: Of course! be there in 20!

Me: Thank you!!

I got my shoes and put them by the door, not wanting to put them on right now and went to the kitchen to get some water.

The door opened and I thought it was Yoandri being really early but Joel popped in the kitchen with a smile plastered on his face.

“Oh! Hey.” He continued to smile.

“Hey.” I replied.

“What are you up to?” He asked standing beside me.

“Waiting for Yoandri. I was going to go look for something to do with my life and he offered to take me. Do you know any good places to get a job?”

“You want to get a job? Why?”

“Cause I need money! And I don't like being locked up here while everyone is out doing something with their lives.”

“Okay okay. Well, what is it-” the sound of the doorbell cut him off.

“Oh that's Yoyo! Bye, see ya later!” I said as I walked up to the door and opened it revealing no other than Yoandri.

He smiled and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek which I gladly returned. “Are you ready?” he asked as I put on my Vans.

“Yeah just let me get my stuff.” I smiled and quickly went to my room and got my bag, which really all it had was my wallet, keys, and ChapStick, and I got my phone from where it was charging.

  We hit the mall and looked at where they were hiring and goofed around in the process as well.

  I ended up getting a about three applications and some told me to try to apply online. Technology these days. Sheesh!

  I even got some from outside of the mall. Some cafés, bakeries, antique shops, and some more places.

  I'm pretty sure I can get at least one or two of these. At least until classes start again then I'll change it around.

  I look over at Yoandri and notice he looks a bit nervous. Fiddling with his fingers and biting his lip repeatedly.

  “Are you okay?” I stopped walking and place my hand on his shoulders.

  “Um, yeah I'm fine.” he paused looking ahead of him. “Can- Can I ask you something?”

  *Joel's P.O.V*

  I was watching TV waiting for Yami to come back when I heard the doorbell ring multiple times.

  It's probably her. But, she has the keys...

  I opened the door and saw Johann standing there.

  “Hey bro! What's up?” I smiled and gave him a bro hug.

  “Hola Joelito. I came for Yamileth. I need to talk to her.” he said looking around.

Word count: 1368✨


Anyways. what did y'all think??



Hope you guys enjoyed! 🖤


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