Chapter 30 - Half Blooded

Comenzar desde el principio

Wei Tian nodded, "Ne Zha's spirit slept for decades before he was born. Sun Wu Kong slept in a rock for hundreds of years before he was born. The true owner of my half heart, Pan Gu, slept for millions of years in spirit form. Why not this child? I have the power that can defy the laws of heaven. It is the only way."

The Jade Rabbit felt torn, "Mei Yan will never see her child again."

Wei Tian sighed, "The Emperor of Heaven hates nothing more than half breeds. This is why Er Lang Shen's entire family was slaughtered, including his mother, the Goddess of Desire. I suspect that the Emperor decided to send me first so I can take care of this as quietly as possible. If Mei Yan wants to save her child, this might be the only way"

"You think he knows about this child?" Her heart grew cold, "He would hunt it down to the ends of the earth."

Wei Tian knelt by Mei Yan, "I have committed an unforgivable crime. I will do everything to make sure that Mei Yan and her child survives. This may buy Mei Yan's child enough time so that they forget her existence. But we must start at once". He took the pendant he wore around his belt, "Lady Nu Wa gave me a pendant of two dragons circling a pearl to symbolize my brother and me. I hope he forgives me."


Outside the tent, people mourned and wailed for their brave warlord. They carried his body and laid it gently on a platform, surrounding it with tiny purple flowers.

Thunder rumbled and the people looked up, stunned. In the sky rode a man in gold armor, behind him rode thousands of warriors. Awed, the people fell to the ground and begged for mercy. The men rode down from heaven until they stood outside of camp. Wu Yin felt the world crash around him once again. His beloved uncle was dead, his aunt was dying. Someone grabbed his hand and said, "We have to run, warlord!"

Wei Yun looked around for Wei Tian, trying to sense his brother. A man staggered out of the tent, Wei Yun felt relief flood his whole body. But he frowned, something was wrong about his brother. Wei Tian held out his hand and the Tai Shan sword appeared. He screamed and came at the army like a mad man. Wei Yun watched in horror as his brother cut down a hundred unsuspecting soldiers.

Wei Yun took out his own sword, "Brother. Stop!"

Wei Tian seemed to be possessed by demons as he slaughtered more and more warriors. Blood ran down his face.  Wei Yun ran at his brother and blocked the next blow. The earth cracked as the two most powerful gods fought, neither could gain the upper hand. Wei Tian slashed at his brother with deadly intention, Wei Yun fought back but his mind was blank as he deflected each blow.

"Brother." He roared, trying with all his might to contain Wei Yun without harming him.  Wei Tian ignored Wei Yun and fought as if possessed. Wei Yun could not hold Wei Tian's blows back, as one had the intent to kill and the other wanted only to deflect.  Soldiers tried to come to Wei Yun's aid but Wei Yun roared for them to stand back, all eyes were upon them.  Wei Yun didn't want to hurt his brother so he aimed his blows at the armor. Wei Tian winced each time as Wei Yun's sword bit into his chest plates.

In the confusion, the people of Wu Kang's tribe ran for their lives, their horses thundering as fast as the wind of the steppes . Wu Yin looked back, his eyes full of tears. Light flash, horses and people froze in mid gallop. Wu Yin looked around. A beautiful woman stood her skin was as white as the whitest jade stood before his horse. She looked at the boy with sad eyes.

"I have a request for you, young Wu Yin. Do you want to save your unborn cousin?" The Jade Rabbit asked the ten year old boy. The young boy nodded, "Of course."

The Jade Rabbit raised her hand, "This is the spirit of your little cousin. I will give it to you for safekeeping." She touched his hand, and the warm ball disappeared under his skin, a white scar the shape of a circle appeared. White light glowed from her hands as she spread her magic into his blood.

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