Chapter 10 - The Day of the Siege

Start from the beginning

Xi Yang Yue turns to face the open doors, the acrid smell of burning flesh, metal, and cloth was already invading the spring winds, leaving the taste of bitterness in its wake. She turns around, "Prepare the fastest horse for the crown prince and the little princess. Have any of the concubines and their children been able to escape?"

General Hong shook his head, "No, they are trapped in An Ning Pavilion. We don't have enough men to protect you and get them out."

Xi Yang Yue glares at him, " Those children as as royal and precious as the Crown prince. I want every single one of your men to go and get them out! My eunuch will show your men the northern hidden tunnel, I refuse to let to die."

General Hong refused to be commanded, "I must protect who I can. There are ten thousand enemy men marching towards An Ning Pavilion, and I only have 500 left. This pavilion is the closest to the hidden palace exit. With luck and speed, you have a better chance of surviving."

Xi Yang Yue descended her dais like an avenging deity. She grabbed the front of his collar and make him look into her fierce eyes. "Fool! I am your Empress and I command you to rescue the other wives and their children. Have your men retreat to An Ning Pavilion, and ask them to protect it with their life."

She continued, "You are the Commanding General, and you will lead your men to the An Ning paviilion. I will follow you there. Both of us will be a diversion to the traitors, they will assume that the Seal and Crown prince is with me.  He won't look for the crown prince here if he is busy fighting with you and I there. It will buy time for Crown Prince and Princess Yu Zhu to escape through the hidden gate."

General Hong's stoic face does not betray the shock he felt at the words of this extraordinary woman. He rose from the ground and strode out of the gilded palace pausing only to order his two most trusted guards to man the gates to the Empress's palace until they die.

Once he was gone Xi Yang Yue picked up her skirts and rushed into the antechamber.

"Where is Han Qin?" While her voice was still calm, there was a slight quiver of anxiety beneath the surface. The antechamber was in turmoil as the Empress's closets maids and guards grabbed spears and swords. They were prepared to follow their mistress to war.

"Here, Mother." Crown Prince Han Qin ran in, carrying the silk bag containing the heavy gold Emperor's Seal as he rushed to his mother's side. He did not want to run, but he had read the Art of War and knew that retreat was the best option.

The Empress hid seal in the front of the young boy's robes "Qin Er, protect this with your life, if the enemy gets their hands on it, they will use it to prove they are legitimate heirs to the throne. You are the only heir. Never forget it."

The two year old princess was carried into the room by a nervous looking servant girl. The Empress hugged the sleeping little girl tightly before taking a sash and tying her securely around Han Qin's chest.

A Qiao thrusted a bag of gold into the Crown Prince's cloak and told the young boy, "Head for the Wu Qing forest, ask for the Xi Yang tribe, they are your kinsmen from my side. Be safe my child, take care of your sister." The Empress with a look of anguished longing, kissed the heads of her children and whispered, "When you see the Xi Yang tribe, do not forget to show your amulet, they will know who you are."

The young boy nodded, his eyes gleamed with fierce anger as he rush out with his prized sword and shield into the court yard. They could hear the roar of the fire and the din of clashing swords. An Ning Pavilion was on fire.

Xi Yang Yue sighed as she watched her child for the last time in her life. She swung her longsword and faced her loyal maids. In that moment there were no servants and mistress, just people fighting  for the same cause.

She smiled with regal grace and picked up her shield, "It's time we showed these traitors why they should never anger an Empress."


Before he met his mother, Han Qin had looked for Hua Er all over the palace, screaming her name even as he had been rushed into Kun Ming Pavilion. While his eyes burned for death of the maids, aunties, and siblings who were now being slaughtered. His heart shattered at the thought of Hua Er's huddled figure, crying for him to save her.

A young serving girl with a heart shaped face and bewildered eyes came into view as Long Er galloped towards the gate. In that tiny moment, the world muted around him melted as he stared into Hua Er's face, a face already etched onto his heart. His horse thundered closer and with all his might he came down and scooped up the girl.

She was wrapped safely in his arms, her face looking over his shoulder at the burning palace and the thousand faceless men who aimed their arrows at the two horses. She screamed a warning as a red arrows rained down on them.

Han Qin shifted his body and shield and managed to block most of them. Hua Er sighed in relief as they made it through the gate of the palace, into the dark forest. Yet something was wrong.  Han Qin made no sound of pain, but Hua Er could see the damage.  Three arrows protruded from Han Qin's shoulder, their bloodied tips tearing apart his black robes. Han Qin was gravely injured.

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