I can't tell him the truth

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Adam's: POV

"Cornelia scared the shit of Tommy's sister last night!" said Toby. "I saw her a few days ago!" I replied. "They would never have moved in!" said Toby.

"I can't tell him the truth!" I replied. "Hang on, are you two together now?" he asked. "Yeah!" I said. "Your love is no fairytale and there's no happy ending!" replied Toby. "I know that!" I said.

"Hey Tommy, we forgot to tell you that there is a curse over the house and, something horrible will happen the 13th of November!" replied Toby.

"That wasn't funny!" I said. "What I mean is that you have to tell him before it's too late!" he replied. "I will!" "Wanna bet?" asked Toby. "You are so funny!" I said.


Toby's: POV

I was walking in the town and was in my own thoughts. "Toby!" said a familiar voice I hadn't heard in ages. I turned around and saw my brother.

"Isaac!" I replied happily and hugged him. "I thought I'd never see you again!" he said. "You have no idea how much I miss you!" I replied. "I miss you everyday!" he said.

"Is dad still in jail?" I asked and he nodded. "I hope he rot!" I said coldly. "I'll never forgive him for what he did!" replied Isaac.

"Tell mom I'm fine!" I said. "I promise!" he replied. "Don't cry!" I said and wiped away a tear.

"It's just so unfair, you didn't deserve to die!" replied Isaac. "I'm still in here!" I said and put my hand on his heart. "I know you are!" he replied.

"Always remember our happy times together!" I said. "I promise!" he replied. "I love you, little brother!" I said. "Love you too, big brother!" replied Isaac.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story.

I love the brotherhood❤️ The curse over the house can not be broken. I hope you liked this chapter.


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