2- Black Mask Murders

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          After the day ended, I calmly grabbed my things out of my locker and headed out the door ready to go home after what happened today.

"Hey Elise!" I heard someone call my name. I turned around and see two of my best friends running up to me.

"I heard what happened today! Are you okay?!" Cath asked. I just smiled and held up my fist. "No sweat!" I smiled satisfied. They both just laughed at my sudden change in attitude. "Hey! Next time you should call me so I can beat some guys up too!" Aleena said as she punched at an invisible person. I laughed as I watch her showing off her non-punching skills.

"Okay guys! You know I could handle it!" I said to them. They both rolled their eyes at me before we all walked off the horrible campus.

As we reached the outside gates, we all broke apart and said our goodbyes as we went our separate ways home. I untangled my earbuds and casually walked down the busy city streets happily listening to music.

As I reached a busy intersection close to my neighborhood, I felt an odd aroma in the air. I took out one of my earbuds and listened.


I took a step closer to the road but that's when I felt a presence coming up behind me. I quickly turned around but just got pushed by people in black masks.

I fell into the busy streets unable to get up from the sudden pain that went through my leg as the gang of black mask ran off and disappeared into the corner of the streets.

As I turn around, I suddenly heard a loud horn. I quickly looked up and saw a big dump truck heading straight for me. I quickly rolled to the side just inches away before the truck hit me.

I sighed relieved as I was still alive. Some pedestrians quickly came to my help and helped me out of the busy traffic and back onto the sidewalk.

Someone waved down a cab for me to get home safely even if my neighborhood wasn't far from where I was at. On the ride home I kept thinking about who those people in the black masks were. Who were they? Why did they try to kill me? I rod all the way home thinking about who they were.

As the taxi slowed down in my neighborhood I got out cautiously, looking around for anyone else in black masks then I limped home.

Halfway there I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and got a text from an unknown number.

(Unknown Number) Why are you still alive?!! You should've died!!!

(Elise) Who are you?!

(Unknown Number) You don't need to know. Just watch the show and you'll see. You're our new target, so good luck on tonight's scene!

(Elise) What do you mean?! Why am I your target?! Who are you?!

I waited but they never responded and left me on read. A chill ran down my back as a breeze whirled by.

"I need to get home!"


As I reached home, I quickly locked the doors and windows around the house. "What are you doing?!" My mom asked suspiciously as she watched me desperately looking around for any type of weapons. "Mom!! Can I please sleep in your room tonight?!!" I asked out of breath. She just looked at me confused but also a bit worried. "What happened?!" She asked me as she patted my back to try to comfort me.

"It's nothing! I'll explain later!" I grabbed a kitchen knife and a pair of scissors then ran up the stairs into my parents room. I locked the door behind me as I entered the room.

I scurried over to the bed and hid the weapons safely under the bed in the corner. "Elise? Tell me what's wrong!" My mom shouted through the door. "I said it's nothing!" I shouted a reply. I hurried over to the window and looked out at the still lit and clear sky. I turned around and glanced at the clock that read 5:30.

"It's still so early!" I sighed anxiously. I climbed onto my parents bed and sat with my legs up against my chest. "I hope tonight will be just a normal night." I whispered nervously under my breath.


Later that night I let my parents come in. They were still suspicious at my behavior but they let it pass. As they turned the lights out, I quickly rolled under their bed with my pillow and blankets I brought in from earlier. I neatly laid them out and rested my back on the floor with my hand close to the weapons I hid earlier.

Whoever you are that's after me! You won't be able to get me without a fight!

My eyes slowly started to get heavy and soon enough I found myself fast asleep under my parents bed.

My eyes slowly fluttered open at the sudden rustling in the room. It wasn't my parents. It sounded like it was coming from outside. I listened closely as I kept listening to the rustling. I thought it was the wind at this point but that's when my heart felt like it completely stopped when I heard the window open.

The lights suddenly turned on and I heard my parents scream.

"Who are you?!!"

"What are you doing?!"


I froze in fear. I heard gunshots and my parents went completely quiet. I heard mumbling and then heard foot steps leading out of the room. I quietly turned to my side and peered out. The bed drapes helped cover me more so it could help me not get caught, but something inside told me that it wasn't enough.

I reached for my phone under the pillow and called the police.

"This is 911. What's your emergency?"

"Please....some people are in my house! And I think they harmed my parents! Please hurry! I'm so scared!!!" I quietly cried .

"We'll be there right away! What's your address?"

"3478 Skyview Drive."

"We'll be there rig-"

The phone suddenly cut off. I pulled my phone in front of me and saw that I had no service connection.

I looked up and quickly covered my mouth from screaming.

There....right in front of me was my moms dangling, bloody hand.

"Got you!"

I quickly turned around and was face to face with a black mask murder!

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