Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

It's been five minutes, and yet not one of them has spoken a word to me since I've asked them the question. The only movement between us is that I got tired from standing so I'm currently sitting in one of the couches while Haley and Lucas are standing next to each other near a couch.

I glance at the clock before turning back towards them. Haley and Lucas? Haley...and doesn't mix! I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but this is Haley and Lucas we're talking about. Those two go at each other almost every second that they spend together. Never in my entire life have I ever imagined them liking each other. But I!

Soon enough, Haley sits down next to me while Lucas stays a respectable five yard distance away from me. She clears her throat before talking. "Well, so you know how you've been distracted the past few months because of, well you know." I nod, but what does that have to do with anything? "You wouldn't want to do anything anymore, so we decided to do the stuff we normally do together without you," she says, looking guilty along with Lucas.

So maybe my paranoia that the stalker was going to kill me if I step foot outside the house kept me from hanging out with them, but I didn't think they were going to hang out together without me! Okay that sounds really selfish but it's true. I've basically been the only thing that kept the two from murdering each other whenever we go out. If Haley wanted a romance movie and Lucas a horror one, I drag them to a compromise action movie, making sure to sit between them. Have I been keeping them from each other?

"But you two hate each other!" I accidentally blurt out. Haley and Lucas look at each other with soft smiles while I grimace at the pair. Eew...

"We thought so too, which was why we didn't decide to hang out alone together until the tenth time you cancelled on us," she explains, and I look down. Have I really bailed on them that many times? Now I feel really guilty. "But then the more times we hung out, we found out we have a lot in common."

"Really?" I respond with a blank stare. Okay I know for a fact that she lied about that.

She laughs nervously and rubs the back of her head. "Okay, maybe not that much in common. But they say opposites attract, and that's sorta what happened to us." They exchange another look making me gag in my seat. I definitely won't be used to those two being all lovey-dovey with each other.

"Plus, we found out we have plans to go to the same college together," Lucas adds, sitting down next to Haley. Haley nods while I just stare at them. How do they already know what college they want to go to when I don't even know what job I want?

I stand up and pick up Jason before putting him down on Haley's bed. The couple are currently making out in the sofa so I'm sure Haley won't mind. I take off my shoes, glasses, and sweatshirt before crawling in bed with him and pulling the covers over us.

Yeah, Haley won't mind.


"Braska, are you going to stink up my bed more or take a shower?" I hear Haley's amused voice ask, pulling me out of my sleep. I crack one eye open before letting out a huge yawn and stretching my arms. I hear a snicker to my left and turn to see Lucas giving me an amused look.

"Beautiful look you got there Braska. The dried drool on the side really completes the Sleeping Beauty look," he says while chuckling.

Haley casts a glare his way and throws a pillow a him, which he easily caught. "Shut it, will you? Cook the poor child some breakfast," she orders, making Lucas roll his eyes and stand up. Whoa, Lucas actually listening to Haley? This is new.

"I want pancakes and bacon," I add, and Haley shakes her head at me with a small smile.

"I was talking about Jason, who's in the living room, but yeah see if there's pancakes or bacon," she says, pushing Lucas out of the room and closing the door.

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