Chapter 8

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Extra long chapter guys, hope you like it  ^_^

Chapter 8

I run out of the car and into the house, leaving Haley to deal with all the bags. I fumble around with the keys in my pocket before turning the lock and barging inside. The sound of humming comes from the kitchen and I fast walk over there to see someone fixing a glass of lemonade. "Mom!" I call out, running up to her.

"Braska!" she returns, opening her arms and hugging me bag. I squeeze my arms around her tighter and smile. It's been a while since I've seen my mom and her being here instantly makes my day so much better.

She's the only person in the world who can make my forget every negative thing that's been going on lately.

"No, don't worry about it. Just leave your best friend, who by the way had to cancel her practice just to pick you up, alone to deal with your insanely heavy bags," Haley sarcastically comments, walking inside while struggling with the bags.

"Oh Haley, it's been a while. How are you?" Mom asks, walking over and helping her carry some of the bags.

"I'm good Mrs. Shay, is it okay if I stay the night?" Haley asks, dropping the bags by the couch before sitting in one of the stools in the kitchen.

"You know I don't mind you staying here Haley. How's Cassandra?" Mom asks, sipping her lemonade. Cassandra is Haley's mom, who also happens to be my mom's best friend. My best friend's mom being best friends with my mom makes a lot of things, like going over to each other's houses, much easier.

"Complaining about some of her patients, as usual," Haley jokes. "But she'll be glad to hear that you're here. You should call her."

"I intend to do that. First, let me help you with the bags, they do look heavy. By the way, where's my little J-bird?" Mom asks, looking around.

J-bird is my mom's nickname for Jason. I'm not sure why she calls him that though. I guess it has something to do with him feeding a seagull a piece of his turkey leg one time and he claimed the entire day that he has a connection to birds.

"He's sleeping over at Adam's," I tell her.

She frowns but it soon disappears. My mom is absolutely one of the most stunning person in the world. She keeps her brown hair short and usually tied in a bun. Her brown eyes always sparkle since she's rarely ever frowns or gets mad.

"I want to spent some time with you both, but since I'll be here till next Tuesday I'll have enough time to spend with you both after school all week and next weekend," she says, washing her hands after she finishes with her drink.

Haley says something about taking the bags to my room so she leaves the kitchen, leaving me and my mom alone. "I'm really glad you're here," I say, grabbing my mom's attention. "I've really missed you, Mom."

She smiles at me. "I've missed you too, sweetheart. You have no idea what it's like to be away from you both for a long time. But what matters now is that we're here together," she says. She grabs something from her bag and hands it to me. "I have another one for Jason but it seems I'll have to give it to him tomorrow. I need to change out of these clothes..." she mutters, before walking off to her room.

Opening the box, I smile when I see a small bracelet with a dolphin in one of the rings. After slipping the bracelet on, I walk towards my room to see Haley hanging my clothes up. Almost all the bags were now empty. The makeup I bought is nowhere to be found so it's probably in the bathroom.

Haley looks up when she hears the door open before hanging up the last of my clothes. "You know, you bought almost everything except a really cute pair of matching bra and underwear," she says, closing the closet door.

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