Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Since my mom is home, I didn't have to walk Jason to school. So after my mom dropped Jason off, she drove me directly to school. We made small talk along the way but otherwise the car ride was silent. I don't know what's going on in her mind, but there's an entire war happening in mine.

The red brick building comes into view, making me sigh. "Ah, I remember when I hated school like you," she muses, slowing down. I stay silent as we wait for the car in front of us to move. "Have you decided on what college you want to go to?" she asks.

College. The one topic everyone in high school needs to consider. There's so many questions and decisions to make on that one topic alone. First of all, do I even want to go to college? Can I even afford it?

Then there's the question on what you want to major in. And that usually follows after knowing what job you want. There's so many jobs out there in the am I going to single one out? There's nothing I want to do. Maybe rule a kingdom but that's definitely out of the question. Plus I didn't pay much attention in governments class so there goes that plan. Not that it was a good plan in the first place.

"I don't know," I murmur, looking down. I know how badly my mom wants me to go to the college she went to. The problem with college is that the only majors available involved math and science, both which I'm horrible at. Well, not terrible, but not excellent either.

"Honey, you don't have much time-"

"Yes I do," I argue, and she gives me a look.

"Braska, you're a senior. By now everyone has already decided on what they want to do with their life. What about you?"

"I'll think about it," I tell her, getting out of the car and starting to make my way towards the building. I can't stand being there any longer with my mom grilling me about my college decisions. She's right though, almost everyone I know has a plan for their future while I'm still struggling with mine. Maybe I should take a year off and really find out what I want to do with my life. Ugh, why is this so hard?

Somehow I got to school earlier than I usually do so I have nothing to do but go to my locker. Lucas has early morning practice and Haley gets here by the time the late bell rings, but she does get here.

Seeing a flyer about college makes me grit my teeth. They talk about how important and great it is but have they seen the amount of money needed? Tuition for one year in some colleges is higher than the cost of several small islands. Heck, if I had the choice of getting an island or going to college I'd be building my hut.

There's only a few students in school who are either reading a book or talking to their friends. I don't try to greet any of them and quietly make my way towards my locker. I'm getting the books I need for my first few classes when I see a sight that brings more terror to me than a field of spiders.

Zoey Grayson.

Her eyes meet mine and a smirk appears on her face. The top she's wearing shows off her flat stomach while her tight jeans leave no contour to the imagination. Her hair is straightened down to her breasts and her makeup is perfect. Even I can admit that she looks like she could win Miss America.

Too bad her personality is as pretty as a deformed cow.

She's leaning against her locker surrounded by a bunch of guys ignorant to the fact that she's about as nice as Cinderella's step mom. Her two closest friends aren't actually that bad, if anything they're just easily influenced.

I've met them both before they were brainwashed by Zoey and they were nice girls, sometimes. Raine and Justice are nice when they aren't with Zoey but the second she's within hearing distance, they instantly become devils reincarnate. We could be talking about how cute kittens are but as soon as they hear the sound of her voice, it's like a switch turns in their heads and they immediately start insulting my dry and brittle hair.

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