Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Can you help me with my homework?" Jason asks, coming into my room. He looks at me and pouts. "Braska, why you eat chocolate without me?" he asks, with a frown.

I give him a guilty smile while my face is stuffed with caramel chocolate. In one hand I have a packet of Sour Patch and in the other I was picking up more chocolate from the box.

I know it's from my stalker but...I'm weak okay.

Although I'm eating the chocolates, the roses are in the trash and the notes are unopened in my desk.

Swallowing, I try not to laugh at Jason's attempt of a scowl. He's so cute. "Well, you see-"

"Since you get to do that, I get to do something too," he declares, crossing his arms and trying to look tough.

"Like what?"

"Tomorrow is no school, so we go shop," he says, with a wide smile.

I give him a sad look. "Buddy, I wish we could but we don't have money," I explain. Jason already knows that we don't have much money to buy him things. It's honestly a miracle that he doesn't beg me for new toys.

That must be why he's so attached to the toy the creep gave him. That's the newest toy he's had in eight months and he's probably happy that he has something to show off to the other kids.

I really wish I could make more money for him.

"Can you check the money box?" he asks, looking desperate. The sound of his voice breaks my heart and I nod before walking over to the box. I place it on the desk before looking back at him.

"Now Jason, how much do I need to pay for important things?" I ask, testing him. The important things were the bills, food, and emergency money. Of course Tony and my mother are paying a bit but for the most part I have to pay for those.

"115," he replies.

I count that much money and tie it with a ribbon before looking at the remaining change. "And now we only have...HOW DO WE HAVE THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS LEFT?" I exclaim, looking over at how much money we have left.

Even with the money from Tony's, there's no way I can get this much. Was there? Maybe I just kept getting paid but because I don't spend a lot the money just started adding up?

No, I still wouldn't get this much.

So why and how do I have this much?

"Is that good?" Jason asks, looking up at me.

I look over at him and back at the money. Jason's happiness means the world to me. He's the only kid I know who doesn't have a full or even half-full toy chest. He's the only kid who has to ask to borrow crayons and supplies because he can't afford his own. He's the only kid who has to wear the same shirt three times a week since he doesn't have enough clothes.

But with this money, Jason can finally be happy.

Jason's happiness is all that matters. "Yeah, tomorrow we're going shopping."

"Yay!" he cheers, giving me a hug. "Thank you Braska!" he shouts, before running out of my room. I blow out some air and look at the money. I can always figure this out later.


After putting on my sneakers, I brush my hair into a side ponytail and put on my glasses before staring at myself long and hard in the mirror.

Although my face is mostly clear, there's still some scars from when I had attempted to pop a pimple. Since I don't buy makeup, I don't have a way to cover it up. Even with my hair tied up, some loose hair still manages to escape making it look like I just woke up.

Forever YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora