Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"See you guys later," I say, waving goodbye to Lucas and Levi. Haley told me that she wanted to drive me home so she's out waiting for me in her car. I have a feeling that I know why she offered to give me a ride but the boys don't need to know.

Lucas waves at me but Levi is looking at the ground like he's thinking deeply about something. Is it from our conversation earlier regarding Zoey and why she hated me? I brush it off and walk towards Haley's car and quickly get inside the passenger seat. I blow out some air and rub my hands together for warmth while Haley starts talking. "We're picking your brother up first right?" she asks, backing out of her parking space.

I nod while looking out the window. It's been a couple days since my creep has given me anything but for some reason I feel...I don't know...empty? I know that I should be happy and overjoyed that he finally decided to leave me alone but for some reason I have a weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach. What if he's out hunting some other girl? I know I should be happy but...I don't know! How come I'm not happy?

"Something's wrong with me," I mutter, making Haley snap her head towards me for a second before turning her attention back towards the road.

"What do you mean?" she asks, making a left turn. What I love about Haley's driving is that she's the safest driver I know, even compared to my mom. Haley's the kind of person that slams on the breaks gently the second she sees the light turn orange, she doesn't try to beat it. She never speeds and her phone is tucked away the entire time and on silent. She's the last person who's likely to end up in a car accident.

I rub my forehead while leaning my head against the seat. What's a good way I can word how I'm feeling? Now that Haley knows everything it feels nice to have someone to talk to about all this with. It makes me feel less alone, and I don't like being alone. "My creep hasn't sent me anything these last couple days and I should be happy but I sorta don't feel that way." Even to myself it doesn't sound right.

I see Haley's lips curl up in an amused smirk. "Your creep huh?" I feel a blush work its way to my face but before I can reply she continues. "So, you don't feel okay now that the creep has stopped sending you chocolate flowers or love notes?"

"Chocolate flowers?" I repeat, slightly confused. He's sent me one or the other before but I don't remember ever receiving edible flowers. I don't think there's a bad chocolate out there so I'm assuming that all chocolate is edible.

Haley ignores my comment. "Maybe, okay look hear me out. Maybe you're feeling sad because you started to actually enjoy receiving those gifts," she says, and I give her an incredulous look.

"Haley! They're creepy-"

"No, they're sweet. Look Braska, forget for a moment that this is coming from someone you consider a creep or that this person somehow got knowledge of you without you knowing. Really think about the situation. He's giving you flowers, love notes every girl dreams to get from their crush, and he took the time to watch over you."

"Haley, that's just-"

"I know you think it's creepy. Hell, I think it's creepy. But maybe the reason you don't feel right about him leaving you alone is because you've started to expect them from him. Call it a less intense version of Stockholm Syndrome."

I roll my eyes at her comment. "Haley, please look up what Stockholm Syndrome is because I'm pretty sure you got two different things mixed up. But anyways, what do you mean by that?"

"Perhaps deep down inside, you actually like getting the offerings from him. If you look past the fact that you don't know him, then everything he's ever gotten you could be considered a sweet act. Honestly, this could be his way of getting your attention. Kind of like a secret admirer in a way. Scratch that, this man is definitely admiring you but wants to stay hidden. Mysterious. I kinda like it."

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