Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"What do you have to tell me at this ungodly hour?" Haley asks, rubbing her eyes and sitting down on the couch. She watches me pace back and forth in her living room and sighs. "It's way too early for this Braska. I think maybe-"

"I know who the stalker is," I interrupt, finally coming to terms in who it is.

It's like I threw a bucket of ice cold water at her because the second I said that, her eyes immediately widen and she perks up. "Who is it?" she asks, grinning widely at me. The next thing I'm about to say is going to wipe that grin right off her face.

"Hales, he attacked someone," I tell her.

Her eyes widen in worry. "Who? Wait are you sure? Dammit! Why do the interesting things always happen when I'm asleep."

"Some girl showed up at my doorstep covered in blood and when I tried to ask her what happened, all she did was scream at me for doing that to her," I explain. "When I tried to tell her that it wasn't my fault, she wouldn't listen. I called 911 and they got her to the hospital just in time before she bled to death in my house."

"Wait, but did Jason..." she trails off, motioning to the sleeping child across from us on the other couch.

I shake my head. "Luckily he didn't see any of that. Anyways, the cops took me in and questioned me for hours until they finally believed that I'm just an innocent bystander in the whole thing. So when I went to the hospital to check on the girl to see if she could tell me what the guy looks like, you won't believe who I saw."

"Was it the stalker?" she asks, completely glued to the story.

"No. It was Zoey."

Her mouth drops open in shock and I nod. "Seriously? What was she doing there?" she asks.

"Turns out Raine was sleeping over at her house. Oh, and it was Raine who was attacked. Can you believe that?"

Haley stays silent for a few moments, and I don't say anything knowing that she needs time to process everything. Heck, I still need time to process everything and I haven't even told her the whole story yet. "What did she say to you?"

"She described what the guy who attacked her looks like," I reply. I don't really want to tell Haley everything Raine told me because it's not valuable to the story.

"Well, who is it?" she asks, leaning forward towards me.

"Okay, I don't think you know his name so I'll just explain. Remember that one time we went to the mall and saw Zoey and I completely panicked and ran off?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah, I was looking for you everywhere until you came out of that one dark jewelry store."

Good, she remembered that. "Did you see who was in charge of the store?"

She thinks about it for a few seconds. "No, not that clearly anyways. When you ran out of there, all I saw was some tall guy. I couldn't see his features that well, although I know his eyes were either gray or blue. That's probably the only thing I saw about him," she said. Why is everyone so focused on his eyes? The first thing I noticed about him was his hair. How was everything just looking at his eyes when they were probably the last thing I noticed about him. "Why?" she asks.

"Haley, that's my stalker," I tell her.

She looks like I just took a pan and hit her over the head with it. She stands up and stares at me with shock and horror. "Braska, are you serious?" she asks, looking extremely nervous.

The looks she's giving me makes me suspicious so I stand up. "Yeah, I am. Why? What did you do?" I ask, feeling fear creep inside. Haley said she never officially met the guy so what could be so bad?

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