Chapter 10

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Tiger lilies ^^

Chapter 10

After that awkward and slightly embarrassing moment, Haley said something about leaving for her house because her parents were calling her. So, the rest of us finished up our morning routines and piled into Mom's car to head to the zoo.

"We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! How about you, you, you!" Jason sings at the top of his lungs. I cringe and put on my headphones in an attempt to block out his voice. I love my brother to the moon and back and all, but sometimes I'd rather not hear him sing all the time.

Mom looks at me from the mirror and glares. "Braska! Don't be rube, listen to your brother's beautiful voice," she says, making a right turn. She's kidding me right?

"Mom, I listen to him sing enough times already. Can I just listen to my music in peace?" I whine, letting my head rest against the carseat.

She gives me a stern look before a grin breaks her fake angry facade. "I'm just messing with you. Go back to listening to your One Direction or Cher Lloyd music," she says, turning her gaze back towards the road.

"But I don't listen-"

"Hush sweetheart, don't distract the driver." I huff and cross my arms while looking out the window. Well then.


"We're here!" Jason shouts with excitement, jumping in his seat. I roll my eyes but smile at his enthusiasm. He's such a cute, innocent little kid.

Mom parks the car and the second she takes her keys out, Jason hops out of the car and is pulling my car to get out. For the sole purpose of annoying him, I take my sweet time to unbuckle my seatbelt and even make a show of stretching my arms over my head slowly.

I smirk at his annoyed expression and scoot towards the open door exceptionally slow. He glares at me and I continue by putting one leg out and counting to five before moving my other leg out.

"Momma, can we leave Braska?" he asks, looking back towards Mom.

I laugh out loud at his reaction before finally getting out of the car and closing the door. Mom locks the door before taking out the spray-on sunscreen, making Jason groan loudly.

"Noooo," he whines, while Mom just smiles and starts spraying it all over the parts of Jason that weren't covered by his shirt or pants. She hands the bottle over to me while rubbing it in on Jason.

"Spray some on too," she says, pointing to my legs.

Since I'm only wearing shorts and a tanktop, it takes me longer to spray it all over my body. Of course Jason's annoyance to the whole thing makes me want to go purposely slower but I think I tortured him enough back at the car.

"What do you want to go see first?" I ask, holding my hand out to get stamped. I never really understood that. Why do I need to have a stamp of a monkey to go inside the zoo?

I adjust my glasses on my face and wait for my mom and Jason. As I'm waiting, I grab a map even though I've been here many times before already.

"I wanna see the monkey!" he exclaims with a wide grin, practically tugging on Mom's arm.

We laugh while walking over to the monkey pen. "Oh Braska, I forgot to tell you," Mom starts as soon as we reach the monkey pen.

There's a small lake surrounding an island with a giant tree that holds many branches. There's about five or six monkeys all over the island. I notice that some of the branches stretch over the fence. Aren't they worried about the monkeys escaping?

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