Final apologies

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"Be my boyfriend?"

"I dunno, it's really too soon Styles." I joked. Harry pouted. I kissed his lower lip and may have nibbled on it. Harry may have moaned.  I smiled.

"I'll be your boyfriend, only if I get to be the cause of that sexy sound."

Harry blushed. "S'that a yes?" I rolled my eyes.

"of course babe." Harry smiled; big and dimpled.

He pecked me and jumped off the counter.

"Let's go visit Zouis." I grabbed his hand and he dragged me out the door.


I opened my eyes and winced at the brightness of the room.

   "Where the hell am I?" I groaned.

"In the hospital babe." I heard a small voice reply. The voice was right. I was in a white room on an uncomfortable bed which could only be found in a hospital.

    "How do you feel?" the familiar voice asked. I snapped my head towards it and found the most beautiful, yet saddest, sight ever.

Louis sat on a hospital chair and wore a giant jumper that I recognized was mine. His blue eyes were watery and red. He looked exhausted but gorgeous.

"Lou." I sighed. He stood up and sat on the bed next to me. "Answer the question; how do you feel?"

"My head hurts a little but I can take it."  we sat there in silence for awhile. Louis ran a hand  through my hair and down my face. He cupped my cheek and gave a wry smile.

Everything from earlier, suddenly, ran through my head. The confession, the screaming and the beating. My heart sunk at a sudden realization.

Does Louis hate me? Would he ever be able to forgive me? What about Niall?

   I never really apologized to him.

But, I needed to know whether or not  Louis still saw me as the person he liked or as the monster I buried deep inside.

"L...Louis?" I looked at him.

"hmm?" he hummed.

"D...d" I started to cry. I couldn't stand the possibility of Louis hating me. I had just had him and I could've lost him just because I was scared to be myself.

   "Hey, shhh." He cooed. "don't cry. What's wrong?" Louis cradled me to his chest.

"I'm a wimp and a monster, sorry." I said after I had calmed down a bit.

"No you're not Zayn!" he made me look at him.

"B..but I hurt Niall and lost you!" I cried. He cradled me back to his chest and I felt a few tears drop on my head.

"You didn't lose me babe." He whispered. "I love you Zayn and nothing, I mean nothing, will ever change that. I know that's cliche along with a ton of other stuff I'm going to say. But it's so very true. Zayn, yes, you did a bad thing. Something I wouldn't see as reasonable or morally right." He said. I still clung to him as if he would suddenly leave and never come back.

"But, you felt remorse and guilt. Instead of ignoring that when you found Niall again, you wanted to make it right. That's what I focused on. Not the incidents themselves, but what you did afterwards. I am so proud of you.

"I...I must say I was shocked when I heard your story, but at the same time I knew there was some mystery and some event that changed you. I found that I was being pulled to you because of that mystery. I wanted to know what was so dark and troubling to you. I don't know if Niall will forgive you, but I definitely do. I love you Zaynie."I never thought I would ever  hear those words from him and when he said it my heart fluttered with relief.

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