Brotherly day out

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I have little inspiration, which is unusual for me, and this might be a crappy chapter. (It might seem  like a filler and it probably is).

Harry POV

          I wake up smiling. I kissed Niall! Okay, it was only on the cheek, but still, I kissed Niall. What if he's totally freaked out now? Oh my god! Styles, you idiot!! You didn't even consider his feelings, hell, he might be as straight as a ruler. No! He probably IS as straight as a ruler! God Harry, how stupid can you get?! Okay, calm down. There's still a small chance that he thought nothing of it. You just have to act normal and just get through the day.

        I sit up on my bed, the blankets covering my bare waist. I prefer to sleep naked or in boxers and I chose the first. I run a hand through my curls and shake them a little. As I stand up from my bed, a shiver runs up my body from the cool air in the room. I walk to my dresser and pull on a pair of boxers.

Holy fuck! Not only did I kiss Niall, but I also jacked off to him yesterday! I  the had gone into my room to change, I had decided to see what my family was doing and that's when I ran into my brother in the hall, you know the rest (me heading towards him then kissing his soft beautiful skin). I must say, that was an amazing time, jacking off to him that is. It might sound weird but it's true. I am accepting my gayness!

    I mean I'm not ready to come out yet, not until I find out more of my feelings toward Niall. Maybe I can find out today. I did tell him that we could hang out since it was Saturday, hopefully none of my friends will have plans and NOT think to bother me. But what should we do?

      I quickly pull on a plaid flannel and black skinny jeans, forming a plan for the day in my head. Perfect. I am going to take him to the local park for a nice walk. Hopefully it isn't too cold outside, seeing as it is close to winter now and England weather can be a bitch.

I open my bedroom door and head towards the room across the hall.

Niall POV (OMFG TWO POVS in one chapter)

        The light that flows into my room from my bedroom window, blinds me, forcing me to flip over on my bed. I sigh and look at the clock on my nightstand. It reads 8:30 A.M. I groan and slide out of bed, accidentally falling off, hitting the floor with a thud.

 "Ow" I get on my hands and knees and push myself into a standing position. My arms spread above my head as I stretch and let out a huge yawn. I rub my the sleep from my eyes and go to my dresser. What should I wear? I have never had a variety of clothing to choose from. Only two outfits, one was too big and the other too small. Courtesy of the  'loving' people, the Horan's.

        I slip on the tan chinos, cardigan and white V-neck from yesterday and go to the full sized mirror that is hung on my door. I must hand it to Harry, he really knows how to assemble an outfit. I look amazing! Oh and might I add, my ass is looking fiiiiinnneee. Maybe that was a little too gay? Hmm. Whatever, I am gay and that means I can check myself out anytime I want. Even if I was straight I would still do that. I wonder if Harry does or not. Possibly, it might be only a gay thing. Harry is straight so he probably doesn't do that.

    My attitude changes instantly. I may be able to check out who ever I want, but the one person I really check out, doesn't do the same to me. Harry. I have to accept that I feel something towards someone  besides a brotherly love. Harry.  I also have to accept that I can't have what I want. Harry.

   I sit down on the edge of my bed and run a hand through my undone hair. I begin to think. Maybe I could  tell him about my sexuality and then when he reacts bad towards it I won't have to keep thinking about him, because he will avoid me. I know it's a bad wish to want someone to avoid and hate you, but I do. I would rather have Harry hate me than to never know what his feelings are towards the topic and towards me.

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