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Holy shit!  Zayn was going to apologize for.....for everything. All the kicks, spits, curses, names, punches and laughs. He was going to apologize for it all. He was going to do this in front of the person who means the most to him. Louis.

       I must say I was beyond shocked to hear that he was gay; Louisexual at least. But, I could see the way he looked to Louis and I could see the way his fear of Louis hating him flashed behind his eyes.

I watched as he walked over to Harry and helped sit him down on a patio chair, all while Louis looked at him with confusion.

Zayn sighed and walked back over to me.

"Do you want me to explain everything to them?" he whispered. I just nodded. "I'll add in somethings, but please I need to hear your side." He looked at me understanding, then turned to face our three friends.

"Z...Zee, what are you apologizing for?" Louis asked. I could tell that he was getting scared.

"I...I need you to let me explain afterwards. Don't anything until I give you my side please." Zayn pleads to, not just Louis, but Liam, Harry, and myself.

"Niall, where  do you want me to start?"

"Sta--" Harry cut me off.

"Wait....what does this have to do with Niall?"

"Everything." Zayn and I said together.

"As I was saying, start from the beginning Zayn."

Zayn nodded.

"When Niall was about ten, I met his brother Greg." he begun. "You knew Niall before he was adopted?!" the three gasped.

"Mhm. Greg became my friend and I was introduced to Niall. After a while I noticed the way he was treated by Greg and decided to confront him. He told me, and I quote, 'my brother is a fag, you know how much I hate fags?!' He had such anger in his eyes for Niall and it scared me. It scared me because this was my friend and he hated gays,and I happened to be one.

"of course Greg didn't know this, I had been planning to tell him that day actually. And I realized that I would never be accepted in Greg's life. I was terrified so I did the only thing I thought I could do. It killed me inside, and I felt like such a pussy."

He bowed his head and covered his eyes. was he crying?! I heard a sniffle and watched as Louis ran over to him and wrapped him into his chest. I saw zayn's shoulders shake. He was crying!  Zayn Malik was crying ....

Zayn tore away from Louis, looking ashamed while Louis looked confused.

"He's scared Louis." I told the blue eyed boy.

"of what...?" he asked.

"Of how you'll react."

" see Louis, I am a monster!"Zayn screamed, tears ran down his face. It literally broke my heart to see that. I don't know why but it did.

"What did you do?" Liam asked.

"I did whatever, and I mean WHATEVER, Greg told me to do. Greg had me beat, harass, taunt and scream at Niall." He said. I saw Harry's face go red.

"YOU WHAT?!" Harry yelled. Zayn faced him.

"T...there were days where Niall couldn't even move. I...I was so disgusted with myself. I r...remember him p...pleading with me to stop hurting him and yet I d...didn't; couldn't, not when his brother was watching." He turned to me. " N...niall, that day you were put up for adoption, I told myself that I couldn't continue with lying to myself and hurting you. You didn't deserve anything, your brother should've been the one under me as I punched and destroyed him."

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