Part 2

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Hey, so I guess this is rated R now so yeah....stupid wattpad. Anyway, spread the word on this story and my ither one too. Opposites Attract. its a larry and im pretty proud. Thanks for all yall's contribution. please comment anything u want to see happen(no promises though) or just any advice or praising. XD enjoy.

Zayn POV

As Louis' lips crashed onto mine, my world seemed to become brighter. This must mean he likes me back. Right? His hand plays with the small hairs on my neck and he licks my bottom lip. I moan and allow him his entrance. Everything seems to disappear as his tongue explores my mouth.

          Everything from my past leaves my mind. All the kids I beat up because, I, myself, was too scared to come out. All of them the victims of Greg; including me. Greg knew I was gay, well, more like found out. How? I don't know. But he did and used that to blackmail me. He made me do his dirty work. I beat up the kids and helped taunt them. I Made Niall have to leave.

       Yeah, I know who Niall is, and I feel terrible for what his brother did to him. Most of all l, I feel disappointed in what I did to him. The kid didn't deserve what he got. Greg always beat him and just plain out bullied the poor blonde boy.

      My own weakness shouldn't be an excuse for what I did. But it's all I have. I want so badly, to go to Harry and Niall's to beg on my hands and knees for forgiveness. I don't deserve it and I don't deserve how happy Louis makes me feel. Especially right now.

      But, I had sort of planned this. The Horans weren't a good family to anyone, let alone a young innocent, blue eyed boy. Niall had to leave for his own good. I knew exactly what Greg was capable of and he didn't need that.

     The month before he was put into the orphanage, I found the small boy's journal. Of course being the snoopy person I am, I read it. To say I was shocked to learn he was gay wouldn't be a lie. But, it was almost too much to take.  He was going to get so much shit from his brother. I couldn't let greg touch him! That's when I came up with the idea of getting him away.

     Unfortunately the plan had to reveal his secret, so I told Greg about the journal and well he must've read it when I left, because the next day he had me beat Niall for him. I had to keep telling myself that this will get better, with every blow to his body, I had to keep the tears from rolling down my cheeks. I am a horrible person. But it got Niall out and into the open arms of the Styles'. I no longer feel lust fill my veins, but sadness and disgust.

"Zaynie?" Louis says softly, and it takes me a minute to realize that our lips are no longer connected. I open my eyes, having unknowingly closed them, to see a concerned looking Louis Tomlinson.

"W..why are you crying, love?" he asks. I raise my hand to my face and bring it away when I feel the moisture of my silent tears.

"Did I do something?" I instantly shake my head and he looks even more confused.

"Then what's wrong?"

"You were....are...perfect."I state and he blushes slightly. "it's just that I don't deserve your perfected beauty."

"That's absurd!" he says sternly. I look down to my socked feet and his bare ones. Even his feet are beautiful! I SO DON'T DESERVE THIS MAN! I begin to turn away and head to the door.

"Where are you going?" Louis asks.

"I...I just need some time." I pull my shirt over my head. "I promise I'll explain later."

As I leave the room and reach the stairs, an arm wraps around my waist.

"Let me, before you leave, tell you that there is no reason I wouldn't want you." Lou's voice says softly. "I have been crushing on you since I first met you, and I have seen all sides of you. Whatever it is that is holding you back from enjoying the glorious god that is Louis Tomlinson, I assure you that you definitely deserve him, better even." I feel more tears fall down my face at his words. He is so sweet, always has been. I am touched by what he is saying. Wow, I'm really falling hard for him. I turn aroud in his arms and look into his gorgeous eyes.

      I can see trust, care and love. He really does like me, and I can't mess this up. I can't afford to mess this up.

"No one is better than you." I whisper sheepishly. He puts his hand to my cheek, our lust has been long gone, but love had taken its place.

"Then don't leave." I smile at his request and nod.

"yeah....okay." I agree.

Louis stands on his tiptoes and pecks my lips.

Louis pov

       I guide zayn back into my room and he sits on the bed while I change. I pull on some pajamas and toss him a pair that he left along time ago when he last slept over. I watch him as he  changes, and like the weirdo I am, I let my eyes rake over his perfect body. He may not see it, but he is amazing. He cares, even though it seems like he doesn't. He is just a shy boy who puts up this defensive wall to protect himself.

          I can't help but wonder what he was thinking about that made him so vulnerable. I'm not going to ask, knowing he'll probably tell me when he's ready. But nonetheless, he is my definition of perfect, my broken little boy, my,  hopefully, soon to be boyfriend.

       I smile at Zayn as he yawns like a small child. And I thought I  was the only one that did that! He looks so adorable. I stop fangirling, when he slides in my bed and looks to me as if awaiting for me to lay next to him. Which I do.

"I'm sorry Lou..." he begins but I shush him.

"S'alright." I spoon him, because, as much as I love being the little spoon, I really love being the big one. "Don't speak until morning." He nods and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

____________time lapse_____

I can hear Zayn's soft snores as I lay next to him, rubbing  small shapes into his tan skin. I haven't fallen asleep because I don't want to. I am scared this moment, me and him, us, will be gone as if it were a dream.

Suddenly my phone buzzes and I pick it up off the nightstand. I read the message and anger builds in me.

I  can almost hear Harry's cries for comfort. I instantly know what's wrong.

I slowly detach myself from Zayn and tell Harry I'll be right over. I slip on a jacket and scribble a note to Zayn, so he won't freak or feel upset when or if he wakes up alone.

    All I can think as I drive to my best friend's house is how bad I'm going to hurt that Irish boy.


HUR YOU GO! I felt we needed a better understanding of Zayn and well Zouis in general.  So yeah....check out my other story. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Bye twerps....

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