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I open my eyes and see the most gorgeous human being laying on my chest. She is breathing softly and her arms are spread all over me. Her soft brown hair is spread over her face and my chest.

My lips automatically move to hers as they lock. A few seconds later her lips kiss back. "Morning" I whisper as we back off from the kiss.

"Morning" She whispers, stroking her hands over her eyes. As she realizes what day it is, her face turn sad.

Today is her mom's funeral.

My heart breaks as tears keep falling from her eyes. I immediatly take her small body in my arms. She cries in my neck as I keep holding her.

"Don't cry, I'll be with you. Everything will turn out okay, I will take care of you." She nods softly on my shoulder.

She leaves my arms as her teary face looks at me. I give her a warm smile and bring my thumb to her cheeck. I rub her tears away and then kiss her nose.

"I promise that you'll be fine" I tell her as she now smiles weakly.

We stand up from the bed as she kisses my cheeck. I smile softly as she walks to the bathroom with her clothes.

I dress up as well and sit down on her bed, waiting for Martina. A few minutes later she comes out the bathroom, wearing a grey sweater with black pants under it.

Looking gorgeous as always. She has some mascara on her eyebrows and some light lipstick on her lips. I press my lips onto each other as I walk in her direction.

"You will survive, I promise" I whisper as she nods.

"I know" She replies and takes my hand.

Together we walk downstairs, meeting her father in the living room. "Hello" I say as he turns around and looks at us.

"Oh ehh.. hey" He says stuttering. "Are you both ready?" He asks on a weak voice.

For him it's even harder than for us and we both can see it. I see the pain in his eyes, it's almost like I can feel it.

If I would lose Martina I don't know what I would've do, but I would be so broken. Alejandro is a strong man, and I know he will get through this.

"Yes we are" Martina responds, squeezing my hand lightly.

Francisco walks in as well with sad eyes. Together with Alejandro we walk out of the house.

We sit down in his car, no one saying a word. Martina places her head on my shoulder as we sit down on the backseats.

"Thank you for coming with me" She whispers as I give her a soft smile.

"Always" I respond as she presses her small body tight against my side.

We arrive at the location of the funeral. We get out of the car and walk over the grass, into the building.

Her eyes look so hurt, it's like she's going to break down any second.


We sit inside of the building, a man standing in front of all the people around us. Friends, family, everyone who knew Mariana.

"We are gathered here today, to remember the loss of Mariana. She was and is a great mom, sister and daughter. We've made a video to remember all the memories we have with her" The man tells as a video starts playing. Martina is holding tight onto my arm, crying.

Her dad is crying too, just like her whole family. On the video there are pictures and short clips of Mariana.

A few tears roll down my cheecks as well, even thought I have never seen her.

After the video almost everyone is crying. A few people bring the coffin inside as Martina starts crying even heavier.

I stroke her hair while keeping her in my arms. "It'll be fine, she is on a good place" I whisper in her right ear, as she calms down a bit.

"We also have some people who want to tell something about Mariana. First her sister, Emily" I see her sister walking to the front, crying.

She tells something about her memories with Mariana as I shed some tears away.

All this is too much for me. Someone who has passed away, Martina in tears, everyone crying, touching speeches. My tears just roll down as well as I try to wipe them away.

"Such wonderful memories about such a wonderful woman. Now here we have Jorge Blanco" Martina lifts her head from my shoulder as she looks confused at me.

I kiss her head softly and then walk away to the front. "I have never met Mariana, I've never talked to her, never seen her. I don't know much about her, but I do love her. I love her because she made someone very special to me. And besides just putting her on the world, she also made her happy and safe. She took care of her and made sure she had a good childhood."

"And now she isn't here anymore, but I promise that Alejandro doesn't have to take care of her by himself. I'll help him, I'll take care of her and make sure she's okay. And I want to thank Mariana for all the things she did for all these people here. For me she seems like an amazing person, and I think for you too" As I finish my speech, I see Martina coming up to me with tears all over her face.

Her eyes are red and puffy as she wraps her arms around my body. I smile softly and hold her, walking back to our seats together.

"Thank you, you're the best" She whispers as I kiss her head.


We sit back in the car home, quiet. Lots of tears have fallen today, but noe there's nothing left anymore.

I have my head on Jorge's shoulder and my arms around his waist. My dad is driving silently. He has been awfully quiet the whole day, he's missing her so much.

Fran is sitting next to him, looking down sadly

A few minutes later we arrive at home as we get out the car. "I need to get to Cande, I can't always leave her alone" Jorge says sadly while looking into my eyes.

"I-I know, g-goodnight" My lips are trembling and my eyes are shaky.

"Go with him, me and Fran will survive" My dad tells me as I turn to him.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief as he nods softly.

"Yes, you need him, I know" I pull my dad into a tight hug.

"We'll get over this" I whisper before we back off from the hug.

Jorge laces his fingers with mine as I squeeze his hand softly. Together we walk in the direction of his and Cande's house.

My heart finally feels safe. It feels safe because it's in the arms of the right person.

<me still listening to princesa 24/7>

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