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"I'm home!" I screamed through the house, but got no response back. A huge storm was playing in the air outside.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a warm cup of tea. I pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my hands. I grabbed something to eat and directed back. I sat down on the long couch, looking at the storm raging.

I put on the TV, and looked at the news.

"It's code red ladies and gentlemen! Don't get out of your house or go onto the streets right now, it's too dangerous!"

Like I didn't knew already.

I just hoped Francisco, mom and dad were okay. A huge thunderclap was heard from outside as I cuddled into my own knees. A few shivers of cold streamed over my body.

I took a soft blancket and pulled it high over my body. My sight hit the tv again, trying to relax a bit.

I carefully gazed outside again, suddenly some people were running and jumping in basements. I slowly stepped to the door and felt my feet get lightly wet.

This was it.

There was a flood, and we didn't have a basement. I quickly grabbed some important stuff and ran outside.

I felt the cold, strong wind flow over my body. My feet were almost unable to move because of the harshness of the wind. I tried to find a basement, but everyone jumped inside their own basements and closed it off.

My feet were getting wet now as I really started to panick. Nobody was on the streets anymore, everyone is already safe.

Suddenly a strong, warm hand held mine. I jumped slightly from shock. "Relax, I have a basement, come with me" I stared into the eyes of a tall, brown haired boy.

Jorge Blanco. The popular Jorge from my class.

"W-what?" I ask stuttering, the wind catched my body again. I almost fell over, but Jorge catched me. His hands were placed on my back, our faces only inches apart.

"Come with me! I have a basement, it's dangerous here." With those words he pulled me with him. We ran for a while, until we reached his house.

He helped me climb into the basement. As I arrived to the bottom of the stairs, I saw a small room. The room was filled with mattresses and blankets all over the ground. A girl was peacefully sleeping on a few of the mattresses.

I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous I wasn't the only one he saved.

I softly walked over the soft mattresses and sat down in the corner. The room was probably 3 by 2 metres big. Jorge sat down next to me and offered me his hand.

"Are you okay?" I took his hand on which he helped me with sitting down.

"Yes, yes, who is she?" I ask with a mix of jealousy and harshness in my voice. A bit too direct.

"That's Cande, my sister." I nodded and looked at the girl for some time. That wasn't so bad. She had dark brown hair, almost black, it was tied into a small bun.

I heard the storm rage from outside. I quickly held my knees close to my body. Jorge noticed it and gave me a blanket.

"Thanks." I said and took the white blanket from his hands.

"You should try and get some sleep, this storm won't be over soon. We can talk in the morning." I nodded and smiled at him. He was suddenly so nice.

I laid down on the soft mattress as my eyes slowly closed. I just wanted to know if mom, dad and Francisco were okay.


My eyes fluttered open as I immediatly sat up straight. I took a look around and saw the small, dark room again. All the mattresses are still on the ground, and Cande was still sleeping.

I saw Jorge sitting a few metres away from me, his eyes open. I scooted closer to him, him looking at me.

"Hey, you slept good?" He asked kindly. I hummed in response.

"The storm is still busy?" I asked slowly after.

"Yeah it's going crazy. Where is the rest of your family actually?" He asked with a slight pause between the two sentences. Fright became noticeable in my face.

"I don't know. They weren't home when the storm started. I needed to find a place safe, so that's why I was outside." I explained to him in panic while looking down.

"We will search for them when the storm is over. But it won't stop soon, it's still very dangerous." I nodded and suddenly threw myself in his arms.

Some tears left my eyes as he started stroking my back. "I just want them to be okay." I left his arms when I realized what I was doing.

"It's okay, they will be okay." I could see he was a bit nervous, he didn't know what to do. Carefully he placed his hand on my shoulder and tapped it lightly.

Cande then suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight at me. Her eyes darted around the room and spotted Jorge as well.

"Hi." She said in a sleepy tone. She tried to stand on the mattresses and walked slowly toward us. She sat down on the other side next to me and offered me her hand.

I shook it while smiling. "I'm Cande." She told me happily. I nodded while a light laugh escaped from my mouth.

"I knew that already, Jorge told me." Jorge gave Cande a smile as she just gave him a glare.

"You're kind. Tell me something about yourself." Cande suddenly said, just as happy as before.

"Uh, okay. I am Martina Stoessel and I am 17 years old. I love to read and be by myself." I explained while she stared at me.

"Here." She said softly and handed me her phone. I looked confused at her but carefully took the phone out of her hands. "I heard you and Jorge talk." She explained, my gaze slowly drifted to Jorge. He was almost asleep, laying against the wall. "You should try calling them." I nodded and gave her a happy smile.

"Thank you so much." I dialed my mother's number as the phone went over. I waited for some time, but nobody picked up. I gave Cande her phone back and sat back against the wall.

I didn't know any more numbers by heart, they were all in my contacts.

Another huge thunderclap was heard as I jumped up from fright. Jorge woke up again and saw me. He pulled me down, making me sit beside him.

He placed his hand on my head and gave me a strong hug. My head leaned on his shoulder, some tears left my now puffy eyes. He stroke my back while still hugging me.

"You are so nice." I said a bit shocked, making him chuckle. I released from the hug and still see the dark small room around me.

"You didn't think I was nice?" He said, still laughing softly.

"It's just, you are popular and stuff. Most of the people that I've talked to who were your friends, weren't that nice. You always bully people." He pressed his lips onto each other.

"That could be true, I don't even like some of them either."

Why the hell was he telling me all this stuff?

"Oh." I said simply. I slowly laid down on the bed again, Jorge doing the same.

His shoulder was so close to mine, that they touched. A few shivers were sent from my brain through my body.

He gave me a warm smile before closing his eyes. I closed my eyes as well and pulled the blanket high over my body. I turned my body on the side and slowly fell asleep.

< here is the first chapter of my new book, hope you'll like it! >
< manon >

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