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I feel myself laying in someones arms. I open my eyes and see Jorge sleeping with me in his arms.

His adorable brown hair is slightly covering his eyes. I giggle softly and kiss his nose. His eyes flutter open and look directly in mine.

"Hey beauty" A blush forms on my cheecks when he spoke the words.

I grab my phone and look at the time. "Come on Jorgie, we need to go to school." I kiss his nose another time and get out of his arms.

I stand up and he does the same. "Go dress up" I say and push him softly out of my room. He chuckles and walks into his own hotelroom.

I dress up in my clothes and say goodbye to my dad. I walk to the hallway and knock on Jorge's room.

"Jorge! Hurry!" I scream while knocking on the door again.

He wants to walk to school together, but he is so slow. "Sorry babe, here I am" He says, finally opening the door.

He grabs my hand and we walk together to school. Everywhere in the city people are busy with rebuilding houses or other buildings.

We finally reach the school and walk inside. Jorge wraps his arm around my shoulder, like he wants to protect me. I smile and move closer to him.

We walk through the school on which I see jeaous girls, smiling people, and I get lots of compliments.

I always thought that this is what I want. People who like me, and don't ignore me. That they know who I am and want to talk with me.

And I really want that, but because of who I am. They all like me because I am with Jorge, not because they think I'm nice. And it just feels so weird to walk her, receiving all these compliments that are actually for Jorge.

"Martu?" Jorge says, snapping me out of my thought.

"Eh.. yeah?" I say looking up at him.

"Evy asked you something" I look at Evy who is now standing in front of me.

"I asked if you could tell something about yourself in the break. We actually don't know anything about you." She says on which I just look at her.

She is right. They don't know anything about me. I don't want to be popular only as 'Jorge's boyfriend'.

"I'm s-sorry, I can't" I stutter out and get out of Jorge's arm. I run away through the hall while I feel all the eyes on me.

I run into the broomcloset and close the door behind me. I sit down on the ground with my head between my knees. I lean with my back against the door, so no one can get in. Tears fall on the ground but I still don't move.

I hear the bell for class but I can't care less. I hear a knock on the door but I still don't open the door. I just can't do this.

"Please Martu, open the door" I hear his low voice speak. I know he wants to come in.

"I can't Jorge" I say back, not getting my head out of my knees.

"I'm alone Martu, everyone is in class. I can help you, please" He begs as I slowly move away from the door.

He softly pushes the door open and sits next to me. I let myself fall in his arms, finally feeling safe. My tears make his shirt all wet, but he doesn't seem to care.

"Calm down princess"

Princess. That word that makes me fly.

He softly strokes my hair while I push myself deeper in his arms. The one place I feel not alone.

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