The Man Behind a Mirror

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Who is this?
He seems familiar,
A boy I used to know.
He hasn't changed a bit.

Oh, but he has.
He's not the same innocent child.
This is the man in the mirror.
He likes to feed his addictions.

Sex, drugs, alcoholism, etc.
He believes he's feeding them,
But really, they're eating him
Alive, ironically leaving him alone.

They're in his room,
Keeping him company.
They don't want to leave.
They came to stay.

The boy he once knew is trapped
Within the mirror,
Singing, screaming, watching
His every move, with pain in distraught.

Now all that's left is a man,
But who is this man?
The boy doesn't know.
He's a stranger living in his home.

Every year he tries to change.
Is the boy the one to blame?
Pubescent and vulnerable,
Or was it the man behind the mirror
Blurry without a face
Who killed and left the boy
Gone without a trace.

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