She Who Shall Not be Named

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Stay away from my friends,
I came here with them.
A master of seduction,
Like Medusa to men.
You won't be long,
we know you're a trend.
A dangerous women.
A road with an unexpected bend.

Day and night, while I was gone
Collecting the fruit of my labor
You were in the neighbors garden.
He begged you for some sugar,
And you gave him some to savor,
All summer long... Bummer.
Made some pie for all the others.
In a competition, it'd be favored.
Knowing the taste of your apple pie
Had an amazing fucking flavor.

She still haunts me in my sleep.
She's a devil or a succubus.
She can make a grown man weep.
She's the apple that's for most of us.

Call her a snake; A serpent indeed.
Much like the 'Slithery Dee'
She came out the blue,
She came from the sea,
Wandering freely.
She fooled all the others,
but didn't fool me.

I thought you we're different,
But hath you no shame?
Now I'm not the same.
A women like Lilith,
You're not mine to claim.
I may not be Adam, but you may be Eve.
Or maybe you'd be,
Giveth or taketh away,
The dangerous women,
She who shall not be named...

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