27. Rehabilitation

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Three weeks later

Despite what the rest of the Killjoys had done, I decided to stay out in the desert for the time being. All of my friends had moved back to the city to help with the construction of a new society, Dylan included. After the reappearance of my family, they had moved in with me in my home in the Nest to aid in my recovery. Ever since the bomb in B.L.I went off, I had a lot of damage I needed to work through. I wasn't able to walk afterwards, and it was scarce that I would ever leave my house or the surrounding area. Party Poison helped me along the way, as well as the rest of the Killjoys. Ghoul had brought me a wheelchair from the city, and the boys loved to take me for walks outside. They were convinced that I never got enough fresh air, even when I sat on the porch all day. My parents were absolute angels as well. I didn't want them to stay behind to help me build my strength back up, but they insisted.

Besides, there were so many things I needed to tell them.

After Detroit, I never did see the massive pink alien again. Maya remained under the care of Missle and Dylan for the most part. Vamos and Vaya would chip in every once and a while, for the sake of Val.

I never did stop thinking of Val. I'd lie in my bed for hours, staring up at the ceiling. He shouldn't have died. I never even got the chance to truly know him. Matthew was a complete mystery to me, and I hated that.

I needed him so badly.

A week or so after the accident, I sat alone in my room, my wheelchair facing the open window. There was a soft knock at the door.

My voice was completely drained when I told the visitors to come in.

Vamos and Vaya stood in the doorway, giving me a weak smile. Despite my requests to not have visitors, the twins ignored that rule. They never did seem to follow my orders anyways.

They came and sat on the bed, and told me about everything that was happening in Battery City. Ghost and Smoke were disposing of any remaining pills. Mad Gear was making sure that the civilians remained calm throughout the whole ordeal. Volume, Neon and Toxic helped construct crews to bring the remaining B.L.I buildings to the ground. Korse was working to recover anything that the industry had outlawed. Things such as books and movies that he wanted to make sure everyone had access to.

As for the Fab Four, they were working on forming a democracy.

"We were helping with cleanup, and, well... we found this." Vaya reached into their green messenger bag. They pulled out a dirty white jacket, and placed it on my lap in front of me. The jacket was covered in layers of soot and dirt. But despite the ashes coating the leather, I knew exactly what it was.

We talked for a while longer, but the twins soon realized that I wanted to be left alone. With a couple of soft 'thank you's' and 'good bye's', they were gone, leaving me alone again. I looked down at the jacket, and immediately felt a wave of emotion wash over me. I held the jacket to my face, sobbing silently into it. I didn't want anyone to hear me.

The fabric still smelt like him. I picked up traces of cigarette smoke and heavy cologne.

I hated having the jacket in my possession, but I knew that I needed it at the same time.

- - -

Party had come to visit me again. My father wheeled me out of my room to the front table where he sat, waiting for me. His hair had since returned to his staple red, something different from the last time he came around.

"Long time no see, Poison." I teased after my father left the room.

"Happy birthday." He grinned, leaning over the table to plant a kiss on my cheek.

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