1. Changes

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She pushed a grocery cart across the desert, the wheels rattling with every rock it passed over. Inside of this old cart, a heaping pile of Killjoy masks rested inside. A small mountain of vibrant colours nearly piled over the rim. On the very top of the heap was a bright pink mask from a man that the Phoenix Witch had known from past lives.

She wasn't ready for him to die yet, but then again, when would she ever be.

The Witch hovered above the ground, her feathered cloak brushing against the sand. Through the eye holes of her full face mask, she saw a big tour bus speeding through the desert, a familiar painted sports car attached to the back bumper.

"Hmpf, finally." She scoffed, continuing to push the cart to the other side.


The people form Detroit only traveled in small groups. There were two other people on the ride to California. When Amsterdam and Brandy escorted onto the bus, we were met by the intense gasp of a single human.

"You brought one of them on the bus?" A boy with dark skin and judgmental eyes opened his mouth in surprise.

"They need a ride back into town. That's okay with you, Murdock, right?" Brandy asked a man sitting in the drivers seat of the bus.

"Mhm, whatever. I guess I'm just the chauffeur then." The man grumbled, and I immediately picked up his thick British.

"You know, I have a friend. I think he was from London-" I started, but he immediately cut me off.

"Sweetheart, I don't know everyone from England. Go sit down." He jabbed a finger towards the back of the bus, where a couple of couches and a table bolted to the wall stood.

"Wow, alright then..." I blinked at the bus driver's hostility. He seemed decently aged, but carried himself like an old man. His voice hinted that he enjoyed cigarettes to an unhealthy extent, and he wore a tattered black trench-coat. Murdock's face was covered in patchy stubble, and his shoulder length brown hair lay covered by a big black cap, almost like a conductors hat.

"Doc, be nice." Amsterdam rolled his eyes.

"Bringing people onto my bus. Killjoys, even." He muttered, cursing us under his breath.

"Nice guy." Party commented, his hand brushing against mine.

"Wait, we're not taking them into the city, are we?" The other man questioned, eyeing us down.

"Yes, Ricki, we are." Brandy told him. He let out a loud tutting noise.

"Mmmmm, Saida is going to kill you. She despises Zone-Dwellers." He shook his head, his eyebrow arched in disdain.

"Well, then do something about it. Make them look normal." Amsterdam instructed.

"Hold on, what is that supposed to mean?" Ghoul pursed his lips.

"Well, the coloured hair will have to go. Don't worry, I have natural coloured hair dye." Ricki turned towards a wooden cabinet.

"No!" Me and Party spoke at the same time.

"Hon, you'll stick out like a dildo in the toy isle of Target. Our people don't like your people. It's either that, or you stay out here."

I didn't even want to know what these people had against us.

"I love my hair." Party softly touched a strand of red hanging down on his face, still wet from Amsterdam's hose.

"We'll do it." I grimaced as I spoke, already missing my signature maroon colour. Ricki clapped his hands together with glee.

Without a Whisper //Danger Days//Where stories live. Discover now