Chapter 21

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Beth's P.O.V

It has been now four days since we came back from London. Tony came yesterday from Manchester and he is staying with us. Liam kept his promise, I wake up every morning with a message and every night I go to sleep smiling because of a cheesy message he sends, we did skype like we promise and he calls me or texts me everyday.

Today as I planned, I'm visiting my mom, I already packed everything I need for the time I'm planning staying with her, and in like thirty minutes I will start going, I just need to eat breakfast and I'll be ready.

"Good morning guys" I said walking to the kitchen, surprised to find Phoebe and Tony making pancakes,

"Good morning Beth" they both replied,

"Here is your plate" Phoebe said handing me a plate with two pancakes,

"Thanks" I replied taking my favorite breakfast. I placed the plate in the table and then I open the fridge and pour my self a glass of orange juice taking a sip from it. I drizzled maple syrup on my pancakes and started eating them.

"Are you leaving so early?" Phoebe asked taking a seat next to me pouring maple syrup on her pancakes too,

"Yep, I'm leaving in fifteen minutes"I replied checking the time in the kitchen clock ,

"Aww, but be back soon okay? I haven't had the time to bother you yet" Tony said flipping a pancake in the pan. He is just like Harry, both can drive me nuts but they have a heart of gold.

"Don't worry I'll be back in four days" I replied chuckling.

I finished with my breakfast and placed the plate in the sink.

I walk to my room and grab everything I will need and make sure I'm not missing anything, my phone, laptop, car keys, my bag... Yes I'm ready to go.

"Bye guys, have fun but not too much, okay" I said pointing to Tony and raising my eyebrow,

"I can't promise anything" he replied and Phoebe hit him in the back of his head playfully,

"Bye Beth, say hi to your mom" Phoebe said giving me a hug,

"I will" I replied hugging her too

"Bye Tony" I said giving him a hug too "Bye girl" he said hugging me back.

I opened the front door and headed out from the apartment. My car is still parked in the same place I leaved it in the subterranean parking lot. I started my car and headed to my home. I know the route by heart, I know exactly how to get there and how to come back, so I don't need a GPS.

It will take me like forty minutes to get there if I'm lucky enough and there is no traffic.


I remember these streets and the neighborhood, all the houses are still here, the park I used to play with Liam when we were kids still looks the same.

I finally stop when I was in front the place I'm looking for.

Same house, same front door, same windows, same everything, anything have change since the last time I came here.

I hope my mom is at home, I haven't tell her I'm coming, I want to surprise her.

But I relaxed when I saw her car parked in front of the house. Next to ours is Liam's house, his parent still leave there, and I'm not sure if Ruth or Nicola are there too.

I turn off my car and grabbed my things. I take a deep breath smelling the air of home bringing back many memories.

I walk to the front door and my hands didn't stop shaking, I managed to ring the bell and I take a step back hoping that my mom opens the door.

All Over Again (Liam Payne)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant