Chapter 13

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Beth's P.O.V

The next morning I was enjoying my breakfast with Phoebe at the hotel main restaurant, just ate my order of pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

When we were done we decided to go for a while to the pool but first we needed to get changed so we went to our room and changed into out swimsuits and headed to the pool. 

We sat down in two long tanning chairs and started to apply the tanning lotion, we started to talk about any stupid topic that runs through our heads, but after a while Phoebe started to get serious,

"Are you nervous to go back to college?" she asked applying more lotion on her legs "Kind of, but I'm more excited that this our last year" I answered "What about you?" I asked her "I'm excited too" she answered 

"Beth are you going to forgive Liam?" she asked placing her glasses on top of her head, why she's always asking me about him? I just need time to think about everything that's going on and I know if I don't answered her she will keep insisting to know 

"I don't know Phoebe, I'm scared that if I forgive him, he might hurt me again" I replied honestly 

"I think if he is doing all of these for you he most be really sorry of what he did before, you should give him another chance" she said looking at me "And if he did the same thing to me I would just marry him" she continued 

"Oh yeah, and what about Anthony? You don't love him any more?" I ask jokingly reminding her of her boyfriend "Of course I love him you little stupid girl" she said making me laugh,

We stayed under the sun for a little while getting rid of our pale skin tone and after that we just relaxed at the pool, the day past kind of fast, we went back to our room to get changed and maybe go outside some where,

"Where should we go?" I asked her once we where already inside the room "I don't know, I thought you have something in mind" she said putting down her bag "But don't you have something planed with you know who?" she asked me 

"Umm.. I don't think so, he haven't texted me in the whole day" I answered checking my phone to make sure I didn't have any text I haven't read, but there was none,

"Any ways, I will get changed so we can go out some where" I said changing the topic, I grab my favorites light denim shorts and a long loose t-shirts and started to get changed in the bathroom.

When I was ready I came out and I found Phoebe sitting on her bed checking something on her laptop I sat down next to her and we where thinking where to go out, but then we hear someone knocking at the door, 

"Who can it be?" I asked but more to myself, I stood up and walk to the door, and when I open it, I found Louis standing outside holding a bouquet of pink roses,

"Hello" he said with a huge smile on his face 

"Umm...hi..." I answered really amazed "Come in" I said opening the door for him to come inside "Thank you" he said stepping inside the room walking to the nearest table to place the roses, 

"Beth, who's knocking at the do-..." said Phoebe cutting her sentences once she notice the roses "Oh God..." She continued walking next to me with the same amazed face as me, 

"And there is something else" said Louis bringing me back to reality "Really?" I replied looking at him "Yes... I'm here to give you this as well" he said giving me a small pink box.

Without hesitating I open the box and inside was as usual a beautiful silver charm, and that's when I understood the meaning of the bouquet that Louis brought because the charm that was on the inside had the shape of a rose.

Gently I took it out from the box and attached to my bracelet that I was still wearing.

"I think it's time for me to go" Louis said checking the time on his watch "It was nice to meet you both" he continued staring to walk to the door with me following behind "I'll see you soon Beth" he said in a lower tone just for me to hear it 

"Goodbye Louis" I replied cracking a smile, he smiled back and then closed the door when he was already leaving.

The room was quiet after that, Phoebe was standing next to the roses without moving, I walk toward her and we were both staring at the flowers without saying a word, 

"You are really lucky" she said after a while 

"I know" I replied lowering my voice. 

We heard two taps on the door and this time Phoebe make her way to answer the door, I turned around to see who it was, but when she opened the door there was no one standing outside, she looked both sides to try and find who it was but then she lower her gaze and slowly she bend down to pick up something on the floor, she turned around closing the door behind and on her hand she was holding a white envelope 

"It's for you..." She said walking over to hand me the card. On the front it had my name written down, I turn it around to open it and a folded paper was inside, I took it out and when I unfold it recognizing immediately the handwriting

'Dear Bethany:

I hope you like the roses, they are as beautiful like you... As you might know tomorrow it's my turn to give you the last piece for your bracelet, and that's why I want it to be special. I will be waiting for you tomorrow night at the London Eye, be ready at 7pm, someone will pick you up at your hotel. I'll see you then.

With Love


I put down the card and I could feel my heart beating really fast, I can't believe he is doing all of this just for me 

"Let me read it" Phoebe said and I know she's dying to know what the card says. I hand her the card and she started to read it, I notice how slowly a smile started to appear at the corner of her lips when she was reading it, when she was done she just place the card on the coffee table with the smile still on her face " The cutest thing ever!" She said extremely exited, I remain quiet smiling as well,

 "We are not going any were tonight, I'm helping you choose an outfit for tomorrow" she said running toward me and grabbing me by my arm making our way to the bedroom. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys first of all Merry Christmas Eve!!!! I hope you all have a really nice day! :) 

And OMG Louis birthday it's today!! yay!!! :D Happy birthday to the queen!

And the second thing, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you guys who read my story, without you I wouldn't been doing this so I just wanted to take this time just to thank all of you and you've gave me the best Christmas gift ever :) I love you all!!


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