Chapter 33

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Beth's P.O.V

Only five more minutes until the teacher call for us to hand over our exams and by now I'm just going over my answers making sure I answered them all, it's probably the third time I do it but I like to make sure I've made a good job,

I stared at the clock the entire time seeing how every second passed by, I counted down all the seconds left feeling how my legs trembled with anxiety, Finally Mrs. Chapman took her eyes off the book she was reading and stood up from her chair,

"Alright class, time is over, hand over you exams to the person sitting in front of you" she said and I grabbed the papers Kevin, my classmate who sits behind me, was passing me over and I did the same passing them including mine to Cameron who sits right in front of me.

There goes the last exam I'm taking during this semester, Christmas break has officially started and I couldn't be more relieved to finally have some weeks to relax,

I stood up from my chair, grabbed my bag and waited for my friends to do the same,

"Enjoy your holidays everybody, see you all in a few weeks" called the teacher before the whole class rushed out the classroom,

"How was it?" I asked Cameron who was grabbing his bag hanging it on his shoulder,

"Great, to be honest I expected it to be worst" he said making me chuckle,

"Hey guys," said Vanessa making her way toward us, "who is ready for the holidays to start!" she said excited and we all cheered in excitement,

"Can't believe the first semester's already over" I said whilst we walked out the class,

"Yeah I know, I feel like I just blinked and we are almost over with the year" Vanessa replied with the same amazed tone as me,

"So what are you planning on doing during the next weeks?" asked Cameron,

"I'll go home and spend the holidays with my family" I replied and Cameron nodded, "are you planning on traveling somewhere?" I asked him smirking,

"Nah, I think I'll stay here this year, I mean what's Christmas without your family, right?" He said and I agreed with him,

When we were walking I spotted a blond haired girl approaching us, I knew it's Phoebe right away, she has a big smile painted on her face. Guess someone's really happy today,

"Hi Phoebe" the three of us greeted her at the same time,

"Hi guys," she replied excited, "finally exams are over!" she added,

I let out a small chuckle and smiled at her, "How was your last exam?" I asked,

"It went great, I was one of the firsts to finish it" she explained "now I don't have to worry about studying anymore!" she cheered, and I get why she's so happy, the past weeks definitely had her really stressed and I know she studied really hard for her exams.

Because it was a really nice day today we decided to go and eat at one of our many favorite small cafés around the campus. Later we walked around a park and we chilled for a bit. Once it was getting late we said goodbye and Cameron and Vanessa took their separate ways home and so did we.

I dropped Phoebe at our apartment and I took the time I had left to go buy some presents.

Only one week before Christmas and I still have some presents I need to buy before it's too late, I always leave this for the last minute and it always ends up being the most stressful thing ever! The malls are always packed with people buying last minute presents and all the good stuff is always sold out so it's even harder to find nice presents. Sadly I will have to go through all of that this year, again.

So finding a free parking spot was almost impossible but I found one at the very far end of the parking lot, basically my workout for the day will be walking all the way from my car to the mall.

Once I finally got in I wasn't surprised to see such a big crowd of people walking around the mall. The only reason why I preferred coming to this mall rather than any other is because all the good stores are in there, from Chanel to Forever 21, they got all of them in the same place which it's pretty cool, I can easily find everything I'm looking for in only one shopping trip.

I had already a plan in my head, I'll go through the stores that are on the first floor and then I'll go to the second floor. Hopefully the odds are in my favor and I can have a successful shopping trip.

Within an hour or so of looking around most of the stores I've already bought Phoebe a beautiful Prada bag and some Ray Ban sunglasses, I bought my mom a Chanel perfume and a Pandora necklace, for Vanessa some lipsticks from MAC and a book that I think she'll really enjoy reading, and I yet need to find some presents for Cameron, Noah, Liam, Noah's parents, Liam parents and my dad.

This Christmas will make some serious damages to my wallet, but I've been saving a lot of money throughout the past months.

I'm really excited for this holidays, after almost seven months I'm finally seen my dad again. I've missed him so much and I can't wait for next week when he come back from his job.

It took me almost two more hours to finally find every gift I needed to buy.

I'm satisfied with the stuff I found and now I don't have keep worrying about Christmas shopping anymore.

The real struggle was getting everything I bought all the way to my car, I'm carrying so many bags on both my arms that I can't even get out my car keys from my handbag without dropping something on the floor. I was lucky that a really kind man helped me to carry some of my bags,

"Thank you very much," I thanked the man for like the tenth time,

"No problem ma'am, have a nice day," he said closing the back door of my car,

"Thanks, you too" I replied with a big smile and he walked away. Bless him, I think if he wouldn't have helped me I would've collapsed in the middle of the parking lot for carrying so many stuff all by my self.

I drove back home and I the man from the reception from my apartment helped me out with my shopping, I thanked him once we got to my apartment door and he left my bags by the door so I could easily take then inside my place.

"Phoebe?" I called her name making sure if she was here,

"In my room" I heard her calling back, just a few seconds later she appeared by the hallway wearing a big hoodie and some pajama shorts,

"Damn girl, did you buy everything you saw at the mall?" She said looking at the big amount of bags I was carrying inside the apartment,

"Almost," I replied chuckling "I'm ashamed of my self" I added making her laugh,

I left the bags by the sofa and once Phoebe wasn't near me anymore I hide her presents in my room.


The next morning I went out and bought some cute wrapping paper

and spend almost the entire day wrapping all the presents.

When I finished I decided to watch Elf and The Grinch just to get my Christmas spirit going and only because I wanted to annoy Phoebe I played the Michael Bublé christmas album on our record player and sang along to every song I knew.

Just before I went to bed I received a text from Liam that made my day even better,

"Guess who's going to spend this Christmas with you?" I had to read the text a few times just so the truth would properly sink in.

He's coming home.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, as always thank you very much for reading ,hope you enjoyed the chapter, let me know what you think:)

P.S.  I had  'perfect'  stuck in my head all day, I freaking love it!


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