Chapter 20

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Beth's P.O.V

My head banged against the window waking me up from my short nap.

I blinked few times trying to adjust my eyes to the lights and rubbed my forehead where I hit my self with the window.

Phoebe was listening to some music and checking something on her laptop. I checked the time on my watch and only half an hour had passed since we left London and the ride lasts two hours, so we have plenty of time left before we get home.

Outside, the sky looks gray and  some rain started to fall, on my window the raindrops started to crash and I could look at my reflection, my eyes are red and my face looks paler.

I looked away and concentrated on something else, but its hard, the only things running through my head is going back home and Liam.

I'm more confused than ever, I don't know what to do, I don't know if I should trust my feelings or listen to my head, one is telling me something and the other is telling me to do something else.

The last time I followed my heart and trusted my feeling I ended up with a heart broken. My ex boyfriend cheated on me, I found him kissing another girl one day, he was using me just to get that girl's attention, he is a jerk and one of my biggest mistakes, I really loved him and I was really stupid to trust someone like him. That's why I'm scared to fall in love again and I'm scared that my feelings for Liam are back. Once you have been hurt the way I was, is really hard for you to trust again. Liam never knew about him, it happened one year after he left, but Phoebe was always with me, she helped me to get over him.

I need to keep my head away from all those thoughts, music can help.

I grabbed my phone and headphones and listened to my favorite albums. Also I turn on my laptop and checked my email.

Not long enough I got bored again, and I couldn't get my self comfortable to take another short nap, I only rested my head on the window and started to have a small conversation with Phoebe.

"It's good to go back home" she said next to me,

"Yeah, I already missed it" I replied,

"How long it takes to get there?! " Phoebe said letting out a frustrated sigh, she is that kind of impatient people.

"Two hours, but I suppose that in less than forty minutes we'll get there" I replied

"Ugh! Thank goodness" she said "I need to stretch out, I'll be back in a sec" she continued standing up and I only nodded,

I grabbed my phone again and checked if I didn't have a missed call or a message, but I didn't have any.

I opened the photo album and scrolled down all the pictures I have taken during the trip, I take a lot of funny pictures with the lads, also pictures of the places we have meet and pictures with Phoebe, and of course my favorite picture of them all, the one Harry took when I fell asleep on Liam's arms. I love everything about that picture, Liam's sleeping face, his arm wrapped protectively around me, my head resting against his chest and our legs intertwined with each other.

Only looking at it makes me smile.

And in less than five minutes Phoebe was back with a bottle of sprite on her hand,

"I didn't knew they have these here" she said opening the bottle and taking a sip from it "You want?" She asked but I shook my head,

"Are you excited to see Anthony again?" I asked, Anthony or how I prefer to call him, Tony, is right known in Manchester studying and he is coming soon to visit Phoebe. They make a cute couple, he is as crazy and weird as her, and he makes her really happy and treats her like a princess, they have been together for almost two years now and I hope they stay together longer.

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