Chapter 34

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Beth's P.O.V

December 22, only three more days till Christmas and I'm on my way home to spend the holidays.

Before I left my apartment, Phoebe and I gave each other our presents and promised we would wait until Christmas day to open them. Usually the excitement gets over us and we end up opening them before time.

Phoebe's going to her parents home to spend Christmas with her family as well.

At the moment I'm just a few miles away from home and I've been jamming to my favorite christmas song, I mean if it wasn't too obvious yet Christmas is my favorite holiday, everything feels just so good and cozy around this time of the year and I love it!

The back of my car is basically packed with presents and the stuff I'm taking while I stay at my parents house. My dad is coming home on Christmas Eve and I'm really happy to see him as well, and a certain handsome guy is coming here that same day, can you guess who?

This Christmas will be different and a bit more special than the other, I can feel it. We are spending it with the Payne's and it's been a while since the last christmas we celebrated along with them, I was probably like fourteen or fifteen years old since the last one.

Around twenty minutes later I was finally pulling to the familiar street parking my car not too far away from my house. I took as much of the stuff I brought with me and yet there were still more stuff I needed to carry, it will take me another trip to get everything out of my car.

I walked to the front door of my house and even before I had the chance to knock my mom opened the door with the biggest smile on her face.

"Sweetie!" she said as she enveloped me in her arms,

"Hi mom" I said hugging her back really tightly. Oh how I miss being around her.

"Come on, get inside darling it's really cold outside" she said helping me carry what I brought inside the house,

"I still need to get a few things from my car," I said putting down my bags by the living room "I'll be right back"

"Alright sweetie" I heard her calling back.

I quickly went back to my car, grabbed the last few bags left on the back seat and went back inside my house.

I closed the front door, unzipped my coat and unwrapped my scarf putting them away in the closet by the front door. I took off my ankle boots and made my way towards the kitchen feeling the need to drink a glass of water.

But something made me stop when I heard a familiar bark that came from the top of the stairs. I turned a round and saw a white furry little dog running down the stairs wiggling his tail with excitement.

I bent down on my knees and opened my arms catching Cooper when he jumped on me,

"Hi Cooper!" I said in a pitched voice laughing and scratching the back of his head whilst he licked my face.

I picked him up and took him along with me to the kitchen where my mom was putting away some of the dishes.

I put Cooper down but still he never left my side, I smiled and made my way to served my self a glass of water.

I chugged it down quiet fast feeling refreshed immediately. My mom was staring at me with a small smile on her face,

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her wondering what's on her mind,

"I don't know, I'm just really happy to have my family back together pretty soon" she said making me smile. I'm happy too, nowadays it's pretty rare the time we actually get to spend the three of us together, specially with my father's job, he's out of the country for most of the year traveling and going on meetings after meetings. He works really hard and I really admire the determination he always has.

All Over Again (Liam Payne)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن