Chapter 28

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Beth's P.O.V

Slowly I started to open my eyes, and I got confused when I didn't recognize where I was or what time it is.

I looked around the room, I'm laying by my self in a big bed covered with a soft blanket. The room is pretty dark because of the curtains, if I know one thing for sure is that this is not my hotel bedroom.

I tried to remember last night and freaked out even more because I couldn't remember much, damn my bad memory. 

There was this scent in the air which is very familiar to me, a scent that calms my nerves. I recognized it almost immediately, it's Liam. Right, now I remember, I fell asleep last night in his sofa, but I don't remember getting in here last night.

I laid back in bed and I could smell the aroma even more, it's coming from the pillow where I rest my head, I smiled and closed my eyes taking in a deep breath wanting to keep this scent engraved in my memory forever. 

I decided to get out of bed and look for Liam. I'm confused again, but now because I don't know why he's not here in his room. I opened the door which led me to a hallway, I made it to the living room and when I took a step I stood on a foam dart, suddenly my mind was clear, I remembered last night and our nerf war and the movie marathon we had. 

I kept walking when I realized there's somebody laying on the sofa. 

Is that Liam? I asked my self,

I walked towards the sofa and yes, it was him sleeping on the sofa with a grey blanket covering his body. His eyes where closed and his face was peacefully asleep. I couldn't help but smile, he looks really cute and it makes my heart beat faster. 

I took a step back scared I would wake him up if I stayed that close to him, but of course me being the clumsy person I am I accidentally tripped with the coffee table and almost fell on the floor, but luckily I managed to keep my balance. 

Liam slowly opened his eyes once he heard the noise I made. Confused he looked at me and he rested on his elbows. "Beth?" He said with a sexy raspy morning voice, I had to bite my lip to try and control my emotions. Damn that sounded fucking hot.

"Hi..." I shyly managed to say "I'm sorry I woke you up" I added 

"Oh... No.. It-it's okay" he said still with the same tone on his voice, he ruffled his hair with his hand and looked around the living room, "what time is it?" He asked, I shrugged not know what time it was either.

I stared at him and suddenly I got this feeling of guilt "Liam why did you slept in the sofa?" I asked concerned he had to spend the night asleep in here.

He looked at me with kind eyes "Oh, I don't know, I wanted you to sleep comfortably in my bed" he said flashing a small smile,

"But no... Liam I should've slept in the sofa not you, this is your house I can't take over your space and make you sleep in the sofa" I said feeling guilty and concerned thinking he might not had slept well because of me. 

"It's okay Beth, it's not your fault, plus this sofa is surprisingly comfortable" he said trying to make me feel better, it kind of helped but I still feel the guilt, "Don't worry, you are my guest, I would've never made you sleep in my sofa anyway" he added smiling a bit, I smiled back and looked down feeling how my cheeks started to blush.

"Thanks" I said softly racing my sight meeting Liam's eyes. 

I turned away and my eyes landed on the clock that's by the kitchen wall and my eyes widened when I realized it's already late, I need to pack my stuff cause I'm leaving tomorrow morning.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked when he noticed my sudden reaction, he turned to look the same way I was staring at trying to see if something was wrong,

"The time," I said and he stared at me with a puzzled look on his face, "it's late and I still have many things to do before I leave" I said standing up, 

"Oh... Right, you leave tomorrow" he said with a sad tone on his voice. "I'll- I'll take you back to your hotel" he said standing up, 

"Liam..I-I'm sorry, I wish I could stay longer" I said now feeling sad as well,

"It's okay, I understand" he said "it was fun having you around" he said smiling,

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun, it's good to hang out like the old times" I said smiling too,

"Just like the old times" he agreed giving me a side hug, I smiled and hugged his torso, my head resting on his chest right where I could hear his heart beating. 


Once I was back at my hotel I started to pack right away, Liam dropped me here an hour ago and we agreed to see each other tomorrow so we could properly say our goodbyes.

When I was done packing I grabbed my laptop and started to go through my emails and organizing stuff for college. I can't believe next week I'm going back, this summer has gone by extremely fast but it has been probably one of the best ones of my life, I made new friend and fixed things with an old good friend. I had some amazing adventures and I made many good memories with the people I love. 

I smiled just by thinking of how lucky I've got this summer, just imagine what would've happened if I wouldn't have gone to that party with Phoebe. 

Well, I'm glad I did.

Night came faster than what I thought, I ordered room service before I went to bed. I called Phoebe as well and we talked for almost an hour. 

She's sad her cousin had to leave but she told me everything they did together and I did as well, I told her about the party and that I got the honor to meet Ed Sheeran and many other people. That night I fell asleep after I talked with her and I received a goodnight text from Liam.

Author's Note:

Hello guys! I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and thanks for reading! As I said, I'll keep trying to update more often.

So now, can we please talk about Drag Me Down, I swear that song gives me life! I love it!

Don't forget to vote and the next update will be soon next week.


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